Have you heard? Jen and Hallie just made a few more tickets available for the Edel Gathering this July in Charleston, SC. And guess what?! Because the lovely Jenny Uebbing is expecting and won’t be able to travel to emcee the event………..I’m the new emcee! AND Audrey Assad is going to give a keynote!
(^make that “today”!)
I’ve seen a lot of excitement about Edel this week. And I’ve also seen plenty of folks sharing why they won’t be going. Some of them are good reasons, but some of them aren’t. Here’s a few of the most common reasons (good AND bad) and my take on ’em:
1. “It’s a bad time to be away from my family/I’m having a baby that weekend.”
All moms need a break sometimes, but there are seasons where it’s really impossible for mom to get away. Now if you’re worried about leaving your nursing babe, you don’t have to. There are babies everywhere. It’s like the most baby-friendly event on the planet.
2. “I can’t afford it.”
Totally legit. I understand budget limitations. If finances are the only thing holding you back, please check out the scholarship fund that’s being set up. Maybe that’s the thing that can make it happen for you!
3. “I’m suffering from infertility, subfertility, miscarriage, or infant loss and I just can’t face a weekend with pregnant women and babies everywhere.”
Dear heart, I get that. Praying for you. No one there is going to judge your family size, but avoiding a situation that will be painful for you is a perfectly understandable reason not to attend.
4. “I’m not a blogger.”
While there are lots of folks who are active in the Catholic blogosphere attending, Edel is NOT a blogging conference. Not at all. It’s about Catholic women. Not Catholic bloggers. If you’re not a blogger, you will not feel out of place!
5. “I’m too old.”
This is not a get together for women in their 20s and 30s. It’s for Catholic women. There’s not an age limit and you’ll see super young moms sitting next to grandmothers. Some of the gals I’m most excited about meeting and hanging out with at Edel have a good 20 years on me. You’re only too old to attend if you’re too old to have fun and that’s hopefully never, right?
6. “I’m not ‘cool enough.'”
Think you’re not cool? Perfect. You’ll fit right in. This is a gathering for women who like to dance like no one is watching and wear shoes they made out of dinosaur toys. (Well, I’m not crafty enough to make shoes out of dinosaur toys, but you get the idea.) You can totally sit with us.
7. “I’m going through a hard time and no one will understand because everyone there has it all together.”
No, we don’t. We don’t have it together. At all. Which is why we need this weekend. Whatever you’re going through, I betcha someone there can relate.
8. “I’m worried no one will talk to me.”
OK, sweet introverts. I know events like this are mildly to overwhelmingly terrifying. And I can’t promise that anyone will talk to you IF you hide in a corner all weekend. BUT I can promise that if you sit down and introduce yourself, you’ll be welcomed with open arms. If you don’t know where to start, come find me. I’ll be the loud one with the tattoo hanging out with the loud Canadian who says “aboot” instead of “about” (love ya, Christy!)
9. “I’m not a mom.”
You don’t have to be a mom to attend. While some of the talks last year (including mine) were geared toward mothers, not all of them were! I can’t guarantee that we won’t annoy you with some mom chatter, but I think the weekend could still be one of fun and refreshment for any Catholic woman.
10. “I’m not Catholic.”
They won’t be checking Vatican-issued Catholic IDs at the door, but you’ll be partying with a room full of papists. Don’t mind prayers to St. Anthony when we lose our room keys and some on site Eucharistic Adoration (Jesus is coming to Edel!)? Then head on over and more power to ya!
I’m a #1 and #2 right now… but one day! Then we can see each other again! 😀
Looking forward to it, Julie! 😉
I’m a #2 this year too, Julie, but I say we plan to go together some year soon!
If I get out of the corner- people will talk to me??! 😉
It sounds like fun- I hope the talks will be filmed so we who live faaaar away can virtually attend
And if you’re me I’ll talk to you in our own little corners. No leaving corners necessary! And then we can sit in completely agreeable silence and people watch. No kidding, this happened at last years Gathering with a gal at my table. It was introvertedly lovely.
I would even chill in the corner with ya if you just wave me over! 😉 Last year they had audio of the talks and as far as I know they’re planning to share the audio again this year! You can find last year’s on Jen’s blog, Conversion Diary.
I adore smart audio (as much as I really love video- the audio helps me keep working)- I’m enjoying the carrots podcasts, too
and maybe EDEL16 will be on the West coast (hint hint)
Yes to the West Coast…Portland is super awesome, you know!
West coast edel 2016 would be splendid! I’m partial to southern California personally but really anywhere on this side of the US would be awesome!
Yes, West Coast would be awesome! I agree with Alyssa on the So Cal thing. 🙂
Hi, Jenny! Not trying to thread jack, but Catholic Women Rejoice will be in its 4th year at St. Joe’s in Vancouver this year … Keep an eye on the site for an exciting announcement on 2/13/15. All West Coasters (and everybody else) welcomed! 🙂
number 2 is a bummer…but i can’t wait to follow on social media:) i am going to head to adoration that weekend..because Jesus can be in more then one place! 🙂
#11- It’s in the summer (AKA season of CRAAAAAAYZAAAAAY!)… I’ll be up to my elbows in campers and invoices and spreadsheets and tie dye by that point. But you all- you have so much fun! I’ll be waiting patiently to see all the pictures!
I think “Im getting married smack dab in the middle of July” counts as a valid excuse…most of us will give birth more times than we marry.
But seriously folks, I hope to make it to one someday even if Im not cool enough.
Blessings to all !
# 12 “I have a VBS program to direct.” I was all set to go this year until I realized that it’s the same weekend as VBS set up which I have to be present for since I’m the one who coordinates the program. Maybe next year…
Newish reader/listener here! I just listened to the Fountains of Carrots podcast about obscure British miniseries, and it was awesome. I also bought my ticket today, after some question about whether or not I could afford it. It’ll be a little more beans and rice than it usually is around here, but it’s an hour and half away, and I haven’t been on any kind of weekend anything in…a while. And this list is helpful and encouraging, and if I’m in one of my shy, introverted moods, I’ll know who to look out for!
Great post! I’d love to go but reason nr. 11: ” I live in another country (which happens to be not precisely travel-abroad-friendly…but hey, the pope lived here !)…and also reason nr. 8 😀
I so wish I could come this year, but I’m cooking baby #1 right now due a week before Edel! I sure hope it is awesome and I really want to come next year!
#1 and 2 for me. My husband works weekends so getting the time would he hard, plus we’re hoping to buy a house this spring/summer so saving the money is important right now. I’m near Houston so I really wanted to go last year when it was just over in Austin-driving is so much cheaper than flying. Maybe next year!
I’ll be at a family wedding that day. Still holding out hope for Midwest 2016 🙂
I just listened to the talk you gave last year (on Jen’s blog)…
You seriously need to link to it here if you’ve not done so already. I have not laughed that hard ….outloud, all alone-after my kids went to bed in a long time! So. Hilarious!
You’re awesome. Go be awesome some more today…..
This is driving me CA-RAAZY because the conference is in Charleston this year and I’m in Savannah…. But finances are really a problem. I’m not Catholic or a mommy, but I don’t mind partying with a bunch of folks who are 😉
I’m not a Catholic (well, not officially, on my way though) either, but I’m going!
Planning on remodeling our kitchen in July. We’re doing it all ourselves. As nice as it would be to escape the crazy, it would be so cruel to my poor husband! And would blow the kitchen budget.
# 11… My lifeeeeeeeeeeeee ughblargheghhahhhhh
I’ve been pondering attending this since I first heard of it. I should just haul off and do it…
The Starving Inspired
I’ll admit that I’m actually a #10 (and yes, I know I might be the only #10 there), but I like Catholics, and we go to Mass, and I identify the most as a Catholic, and I’ll probably actually finish RCIA and become a full-fledged one someday…but right now I’m still in the figuring-everything-and making-sure-what-I-believe stage.
So thanks for still welcoming me and not checking Catholic IDs at the door because I have no idea how to fake one of those. 🙂