Nothing brings me out of a little blogging hiatus like THE SHEENAZINGS! Don’t know what they are? Allow me to explain one of my FAVORITE things on the internet!
Have you met my friend Bonnie? Well, she’s awesome. And every January, out of the goodness of her heart, she organizes blogging awards for Catholic bloggers. It’s like she’s giving out virtual high fives during the chilly, gloomy month of burnout. She’s like the Catholic blogging cheerleader. And it’s just all so fun. When I was nominated for a Sheenazing a couple of years ago when Carrots was so much tinier and was just starting to get to know other bloggers, I could not have been more excited if someone had called and told me I’d been nominated for an Academy Award. (So be sure to vote for your favorite bloggers, especially if they’re new on the scene and might need some love from the Catholic Blogosphere.)
I just spent a few minutes agonizing over my ballot and if you have a spare minute, hop on over and vote for your favorite blogs!
Now I’m not telling you who to vote for but……there’s a few categories that I can’t help but put my two cents in:
Funniest Blog: I just have to say it. If Kelly Mantoan of This Ain’t the Lyceum. doesn’t win by a landslide, there is no justice. Confession: my own husband was nominated in this category and I still voted for Kelly. Sorry, Daniel. You’re super funny, but can you compete with this?!
Best Looking Blog: There are so many good ones here! I’m not telling you who I voted for because I had such a hard time deciding.
Most Inspiring Blog: Again, lots of great blogs. But for me there was just one choice. Mary Lenaburg of Passionate Perseverance has deeply inspired me. I’m not going to try to describe it because everyone should just read her story, but to me, Mary exemplifies sacrificial love and dedication to a culture of life in a heroic, beautiful way.
Best Lifestyle Blog: Ahh! Too many great choices! I can’t decide!
Best Underappreciated Blog: This one’s tough, too. But I love clicking through and finding new blogs to love! Frontrunners in this category for me are Surviving Our Blessings, Molly Makes Do, Two Os Plus More, and Through a Glass Brightly but….so hard to pick just one! And now I just noticed at least 5 more on the list that I want to vote for. AH!
Smartest Blog: Well, my my my. Looks like we have a marital showdown between Carrots and Daniel Bearman! While I’m not ready to stoop to a full out smear campaign, I think you should see this:
Now make your decision accordingly.
Coolest Blogger: Wow. I have some stiff competition. There are some cool bloggin’ gals out there.
Miss Congeniality: I am honored to be on a list with these ladies. Seriously. I don’t think you can go wrong here, no matter who you choose, because it’s like a big bundle of sweetness.
Best Podcast: FOUNTAINS OF CARROTS! Can I get away with voting for our podcast since half of the chats and almost 100% of the technical work is all the talented Miss Christy Isinger? I’m voting for Christy’s half. The Fountains of part. But boy, oh boy, it’s hard to compete with Jennifer Fulwiler and Kristin Sanders’ This Inspired Life! Check ’em all out!
Best Blog by a Man: I hear that Daniel Bearman guy is pretty cool when he’s not trying to steal Smartest Blog from Haley Carrots…But I might be a TAD biased.
Best Blog by a Non-Papist: Some great ones here. But seems like a great time to mention our Mennonite friend Kathleen whose blog Becoming Peculiar made the list. Please pray for her baby boy, Felix, who is critically ill with a rare disease.
Y’all, I love this little corner of the blogosphere. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful folks who make up this community–especially Bonnie who set up this great way to encourage and cheer on Catholic bloggers.
Enter shameless self-promotion. 😉 If Haley and her people or you and your people are into wasting their time watching vloggers on the YouTubes… yeah. Vote for moi!
I was so happy to see that Becoming Peculiar made the list. Also Mary of Passionate Perseverance. Not surprising, really, but still made me happy! Happy Sheenazing!
The Starving Inspired
FofC got my vote!
I was so excited to get a nomination for Best Under Appreciated – te nomination felt like a win! Three whole people thought the same thing! I LOVE the Fountains of Carrots podcast 🙂
I’m fairly new to your blog and really really enjoy it! Hope you get a little sunshine your way soon, its the best medicine! – Jessica ( Sophia)
Thanks, Jessica! And thanks for reading! <3