Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
It’s always really interesting to me to take a look at the previous year and see what posts really seemed to resonate with the Carrots readers. I’m usually surprised at what posts take off. Although sometimes it’s the posts I spend weeks mulling over and crafting, most often it’s the posts written in a sudden moment of inspiration that seem to be the most popular.
Reflection on the year seems like the perfect time to say THANK YOU for being such a wonderful community. Thank you for encouraging and supporting my writing, sharing posts, leaving comments, and generally being awesome. I am so grateful for you!
1. Sex, Tomatoes, and High Fructose Corn Syrup (Should I be annoyed that the piece Daniel wrote was more popular than any of the posts I wrote this year? I guess that’s just what happens when you put “SEX” in the title.)
2. How to Marry a Gilbert Blythe (This one was so fun to write.)
3. “I’m Not Prejudiced, I Just Don’t Like 25% of Humanity” (This one officially broke my previous record of the most hate mail received over one post. So I’d say it wins as my most controversial post so far.)
4. What My Love Affair with Coffee Taught Me About Marriage (I think this is my favorite thing I wrote this year.)
5. The One Thing I Regret About My Wedding (Spoiler alert: It’s that I didn’t invite kids.)
6. Is Stitch Fix Really Worth It? Yes and No. (I love me some Stitch Fix. But here’s why you might not.)
7. Instagram Envy, Being Authentic on the Internet, and When It’s Time to Break Up with a Blog (All the thoughts about how the internet makes us feel and our responsibilities as writers and readers.)
8. Why We Don’t Do Santa (Alternatively titled, “knowing your kids, knowing your family culture, and basing your traditions on that knowledge”)
9. Why I Felt Guilty About My Last Pregnancy, and Why I Don’t Anymore (Siblings > Morning Sickness)
10. The Secret to Not Fighting with Your Kids Over Their Messy Room (Hint: It’s not organizational tips. It’s just having less stuff.)
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmastide (and Happy New Year!)
LOVE the coffee and marriage post too!
Thanks, Megan!
Since I’m a new reader this post gives me some great posts to get to know you better
Oh good! Glad you’re here, Helen
Looks like I have some catching up to do…
Merry Christmas!
The Starving Inspired
Merry Christmas to you, Iris!
Your #3 is one of my top favorite posts of yours of all-time, regardless of the hate-mail. Sending the love your way! Well done!