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When Daniel’s parents ask for Christmas lists for the kids, I can rattle off several things right off the top of my head. But when I’m supposed to write down what I want….it’s a different matter. I just stare at a blank page.
I think other moms have the same issue. We spend our days focused on other little people and it feels weird to focus on ourselves. I just sit there for several minutes trying to come up with something I want for Christmas.
So, if your Christmas list has been requested and you’re drawing a blank, here’s some ideas:
1. A Nap: Yup. Sleep is a precious luxury for busy mamas. Maybe Dad or grandparents can take the kids on an outing and you can enjoy a nice long nap.
2. A Day Off: Maybe you could get a haircut and then go out for a cup of coffee with a novel to read all by yourself while someone else manages the children for a few hours.
Brain Food
3. Books: Major bibliophile over here. I don’t like to acquire material things that clutter up the house…..except for books. Books in every room. I love getting books I’ve been meaning to read OR even beautiful editions of classic books I’ve always loved. Some of my favorite fancy editions are the Coralie Bickford-Smith Clothbound Penguin Classics :
Or the new Puffin in Bloom editions (swoon!):
4. Courses or Classes: Been wanting to learn how to do something? Maybe ask for a class or ecourse on that subject. I want to learn how to use my camera and take better photos, so I asked for a photography class.
5. A Massage: I don’t know any moms who don’t need some massage therapy. Sometimes I bribe my kids into rubbing my back but…they’re not exactly…professionals.
6. Candles: One time I told Daniel that all I ever want for any Christmas ever is books and candles. I stand by that. I love the smell of beeswax candles or candles that smell like cookies. And now for the books…
7. Jewelry/Accessories: Check out The Starfish Project or Connected in Hope. Beautiful items that benefit women.
8. Clothes: I for one find it really difficult to buy clothes for other people, so credit to personal styling services like Stitch Fix or Golden Tote might be a good thing to put on your list.
9.Planner: Who doesn’t love a great planner? My friend Kelly Mantoan just created an awesome planner. You can order a printed copy for $16, or order the PDF for $8 and print your own. Kelly is the comedienne of the Catholic blogosphere and her weekly reflections are funny, charming, and inspiring just like her. (She is seriously great. If you’re not reading her blog, you’re missing out on a lot of awesome. And she’s speaking at the next Edel Gathering and I can’t wait.) So check out The Best Laid Plans.
For the bloggers in the audience…: If you’re a blogger (and I was surprised from the survey at how many Carrots readers are fellow bloggers) you might like the Blog Planner 2015 from A Joy-Filled Life. I have the 2014 planner and it’s super thorough, well-organized, and helpful. There’s 100 printable pages for $4.99.
10. Cookbook: For those of you who want to organize your meals for the liturgical year I think somebody covered that…*wink wink*. You can order a print copy of Feast! or an ebook version of Feast! or More Feasts! for all your liturgical seasons and saints days gluten-free simple meal needs.
Ok, what’s on YOUR Christmas list? Inquiring minds want to know so share in the comments!
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Love this list! I stare at the black page or freeze up and have no ideas to offer when asked. Live the day off though and hair cut + massage. It’s been at least 10 months c at this point :/
10 months is a long time! I think you need an afternoon off
My husband is getting me a lace infinity scarf (stays on much better than a mantilla, especially where kids are involved). https://www.etsy.com/shop/robinnestlane
My sister had me choose a Starfish Project necklace when she had a Facebook Starfish Party. http://www.starfish-project.com/necklaces/all-necklaces/fairtradejewelry-necklacesjewelry-leslienecklaces#!prettyPhoto
My mom asked for CD and game ideas – we suggested Peter, Paul, and Mary for music and Racko for a game.
And if I’m asked to come up with something on my own, I say, thick cotton socks! I’ve always had the hardest time thinking of gifts to ask for for myself. Although…I’d love to have my own copy of My Heart Lies South by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino.
I love those lace infinity scarves!
Have you read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? The socks just reminded me (nerdy me) of Dumbledore wanting socks. I love that. I always need socks!
My husband got me a chocolate-making class last year. It was fun!
I tend to ask for books, but we’ve gotten joint gifts the last year or two that involve a gift certificate for date night somewhere special. Budget is usually tight, so being able to dress up and go out for a nice meal is a special gift.
This year my husband and I are taking the kids for a weekend in San Francisco (a couple of hours away) in lieu of getting each other material gifts. We’re looking forward to seeing the Christmas lights while they’re still up and exploring the city (and eating).
The chocolate class sounds heavenly! And I love the date night idea.
Have so much fun in San Francisco! What a great idea. <3
I always err on the side of too practical- socks… this year a flannel bathrobe… but my sisters always seem to take my fashionless, sad little list and turn it into earrings and a super cute top that I would never have gotten for myself. I just hope I get that bathrobe, too! =)
Haha! Love that. This is the first year in a long time that I haven’t asked for some kind of practical kitchen item. I feel ya.
Love the massage idea! I’m having a hard time with my list too. It’s currently money because I can’t think of anything lol
Girl, go get a massage!
New pearl earrings (I wore the ones my husband got for me when we were dating so much that they ended up bent), boots, and a ninja blender. The last one is more a gift for the whole family:) I love your list…getting a gift card so I can buy books through out the year is always so appreciated. I also asked my in laws for tickets to Mary Poppins. Going to events like that make Christmas stretch out longer than 12 days:)
Oh YES! Last year Daniel’s folks got me a gift card to Amazon and I LOVED it. I ordered pretty books I wouldn’t have splurged on otherwise.
I specifically asked for gift cards to my favorite stores, because they’re sort of a two-in-one gift. The family budget is really tight, so I never like to buy things for myself, but I am a girl that loves the shopping experience. So, a gift card really gives you the permission to shop for yourself and the excuse to spend time wandering in your favorite store. It can be even better if the gift-giver promises to watch the kids while your shopping away.
Haha, yes! Childcare included is a delightful bonus
On my list is fancy expensive face cream that I would never buy for myself. Great list, thanks!
Ooo, that sounds nice. I need some kind of facial products 101 class or something. I seriously don’t know the first thing. I mean. I wear powder and eye makeup but moisturizer? I wouldn’t even know where to start. But, it’s one of those things I want to know!
I just started a list today, for next year. I never can think of what I want, because I spend all my time trying NOT to want things. Of course, after every one has already bought me my presents do I finally come up with some ideas (like that folk art Etsy store you linked to yesterday – she has all my favorites, from Anne of Green Gables to Little Women). I also wrote down a DSLR, since our point and shoot broke last week. And then I thought to myself that that one definitely wasn’t happening. And then I remembered that just today I was sent my inheritance from my Grandma….and now I am really, really tempted to get myself a little inheritance/Christmas present. Which is why I try not to make these lists….then I want things, really badly! (But I really do need a DSLR, you see, because otherwise I would have to buy a point and shoot anyway, and at that point I am already halfway to the cost of a DSLR…).
Oh my goodness, exactly. That’s just why I don’t get catalogs delivered to our house, I cancel them if they come because I don’t want anything until I start flipping through and then I want EVERYTHING. A DSLR is a good one, though. We got ours three years ago and we do use it a lot.
After being given an iTunes card as an early Christmas gift, I downloaded some of Marian Grace’s music that you talked about in the podcast. Love it! A foot soaking tub would be nice too.
Oh so glad! Isn’t it great?!
I recently moved from an apartment with all hardwood floors to an apartment with all carpet so a new vacuum cleaner is at the top of my list, followed some LUSH cosmetics and a fancy diaper bag. And toss in some chocolate too please!
Chocolate is always a win, right? After two infancies using a diaper bag that just didn’t work for me, I asked for a new one for baby Gwen last year and I was so glad. I love it. Some things like diaper bags that you use EVERYDAY really are worth it.
Thank you, Haley for your list!!! I absolutely agree with you, it’s always so hard to focus on selfish wish list for Christmas. And I think a long good nap+good book+beeswax candle+ a little bit of knitting (not mentioned here)or hot bath will make the BEST presents for me:)
Haha! I had just finished texting my mother-in-law in response to her question about what I wanted for Christmas when I read this post. I feel like there are always things I need or want, and then when someone asks, I’m blank or feel awkward or demanding to name things. I came up with: tea, candles, or a target gift card. (I agree with Mary about the 2 in 1 perspective when it comes to gift cards! I used to think they were impersonal, but no more!) And tea and candles I could use pretty much daily in the winter
Fun post.
Great post! I’m always at a loss– But Target gift cards are always welcome and used. Although even them I usually end up spending on the kids or stuff for the house:-/
Getting a nap or a day off sounds like the most wonderful holiday gift I could possibly give to myself.