There seems to be a magnetic attraction between December and illness in the house. Thankfully, so far it’s just been mild colds for the kids, but I don’t think we’re alone in this phenomenon. And sick days often merit some snuggle time with a good movie. Tis the season of comfort movies, amirite?!
Which made me wonder….what movies are comfort movies for other families? So I asked the Carrots Facebook community and got some great answers! It was also fun to see how many of our comfort movies are yours, too! So I compiled a list of some good films to watch when you’re feeling under the weather with a cup of tea in hand. (TANGENT: for a sore throat, add hot water to a TBSP or two of apple cider vinegar (the Bragg’s kind with the mother), some lemon juice, and raw honey. It’s like a magic brew.) Ok, on to the movies!
My Favorites:
Anne of Green Gables: You know how much I love Anne. And Gilbert. You really can’t go wrong here. Unless, you follow up Anne and Anne the Sequel (pretty decent) with the atrocious Anne the Continuing Story. Do not. Just don’t. NEVER. (In fact, several minutes of the last podcast involved Christy and I losing our minds over how much we hate the dreaded AtCS. Serious business, folks.)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: Granted, it’s pretty…..weird. When I explained the plot to Daniel, he was horrified. But this was always my go-to movie when I had strep throat as a kid and since I had strep throat all the time (seriously, y’all, the urgent care staff knew me well), much of my childhood was spent singing Bless Your Beautiful Hide to the TV screen. I still love it. I was surprised how many of you named it as your number 1 comfort movie, too!
The Sound of Music: Julie Andrews being adorable. Christopher Plummer stealing your heart. Singing nuns? What more could you want?!
Pride and Prejudice: Ok, so I don’t hate the Kiera Knightly version, but it’s vastly inferior to the Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth miniseries. Except for the soundtrack. The Keira Knightly soundtrack is better. I will give you that. But if you’re really sick, you’re going to want a longer movie, right? And so the Firth version is a must. But I won’t judge if you follow it up with the newer P&P…I do it, too.
Little Women: Don’t mind me. I’m just crying my eyes out at the opening credits. Because that’s how much I love this movie. My mom took me to see it when it opened in theaters on Christmas Day when I was teeny tiny (early 90s?) and I remember it like it was yesterday.
Newsies: I don’t even know where to start describing my love for Newsies. The soundtrack is perfect for pumping up sluggish mornings and who doesn’t love seeing Christian Bale pretending to be a singing cowboy riding along the New York city streets? Santa Fe, are you there?
You’ve Got Mail: Especially when I have a cold this is a must. Kathleen Kelly and I can be snuffly together. But then I always expect daisies.
While You Were Sleeping: Sandra Bullock at her best. So good. Even this chocolate peanut butter tastes better!
The Princess Bride: This was one that we didn’t own when I was growing up, but we rented it at least once a month. Or maybe we taped it from television. But since it’s a story about reading a story to a sick kid…it’s pretty perfect, right?
My Fair Lady: Divine. And I always want to hug Colonel Pickering because he’s just presh.
Your Recommendations:
The Princess Diaries: I don’t own this one. But I’ve seen it and it seems like a pretty great sick day movie to me.
Steel Magnolias: Don’t hate me, but I have to pass on this one. I just couldn’t get past some of the yankee attempts at southern accents. But it’s been at least 20 years since I tried to watch it so….maybe I could get over it?
The Emperor’s New Groove: Totally down with this one. In fact, one of my high school besties and I had the whole thing memorized and quoted it ad nauseum. I’m sure it was super charming and everyone loved it. Ahem.
Sense and Sensibility: Yes, a thousand times yes.
Harry Potter: Just binge watch the whole series. It will cure what ails ya like Madame Pomfrey’s healing charms.
Ever After: Why don’t I own this one? It’s the perfect family-friendly comfort film.
(And I’ve got an extensive list of every BBC costume drama ever produced that’s worth watching over on the latest podcast episode’s show notes.)
Did I miss anything? Share your favorites in the comments!
Disclosure: Links to movies are Amazon affiliate links. A small percentage of any sales made through my links goes to support Carrots (at no additional cost to you!).
We must be related! haha! That list is crazy familiar! Only additions I’d make: Funny Girl, Emma, The Philadelphia Story and perhaps a li’l Avonlea where Gus and Felicity finally date. 🙂 Hope you feel well soon!
I never thought any of the women in Steel Magnolias had fake sounding accents. I’m a Georgia girl and Ive been told I sound just like Shelby and my life’s ambition is to be as classy as Clairee. Give it another shot! You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll sob. And then you’ll laugh again.
Princess Diaries is one of those movies I can watch 94738374 times and never get tired of it . Also, This list is perfect!
I love a lot of these. The 1982 version of Annie is my number one go-to. But really, any musical will do.
You can come over for a movie day any time. (All my favourites!!) Though, if in florida you are attracted to illness in December, you better stay far far away from Alberta…
I didn’t see “Never Been Kissed” or “Miss Congeniality” on your list! Those (to me) are must-haves.
I love most of these, or haven’t seen them but would love to. Sick day though… I am not sure I can convince my 4 year old boy to stick out any of those….maybe Princess Bride, which is oft quoted in our home. Or,
maybe I underestimate him.
My four year old boy has been subjected to a few musicals. He actually liked State Fair enough to request it again later! Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is also definitely kid friendly, but pretty long.
You definitely hit some faves for me. I’d also add “Gone with the Wind” and “When Harry Met Sally.” And for some reason, when I’m sick “Sweet Home Alabama” does the trick, too.
NB: those are my comfort movies… not my kids’!
All awesome. But one of my very favorites is How To Marry a Millionare….oh, and Some Like It Hot!
Yet another one of your long lost relations here when it comes to movie choices! Another vote for Emma (Knightly might actually eclipse the peerless Darcy) and The Philadelphia Story. Oh and Adam’s Rib. Ever seen that one? Hands down, one of the best Hepburn/Tracy films out there. They don’t miss a beat. “Lawyers shouldn’t marry other lawyers. This is called inbreeding, from which comes idiot children and more lawyers.”
Oh, such a good list. I would add Sleepless in Seattle. It was my go to sick movie for most of high school and all of college. Now I’m trying to figure out what to do with my kids so that I can have a sick day.
Warning: do NOT watch Steel Magnolias if pregnant. I cried for three days.
All those are my favs except My Fair Lady… Higgins makes me feel worse, haha!
I recommend Ella Enchanted, Princess Diaries, Christy, Wives and Daughters, Calamity Jane or any movie with Howard Keel… Nothing like a handsome face to serenade your sickness away! Oh, Kate and Leopold.
Based on this, one May think I’m ill quote often… Haha!
Yes, a thousand times yes to all of your list! Not sick, but I’m thinking of playing the “million weeks pregnant” card to cash in on a movie “sick” day. 🙂
Anne the Continuing Story is the worst. Ever.
I’m so glad to know of someone else who appreciates While You Were Sleeping as much as I do… Don’t see that every day. 😉
The Starving Inspired
that’s one of my favorites too!
I love these ideas! Anyone who likes the Tracy/Hepburn combo can get every movie they did together for $15 on Amazon right now instead of $70. I just got it for a Christmas gift for my mother in law 🙂
My sisters and I always enjoy Return to Me….
Good! It’s fudge mint.
….sorry, can’t resist finishing a good While You Were Sleeping quote.
And I love this post. You totally hit allllll of my favorites!
I just have to add Mary Poppins to the list. I wish I’d thought of hanging out on the couch with a movie today. Pregnant + exhausted + maybe coming down with a cold is a good enough excuse for me except that the TV is not in a kid-friendly room.
oh- yep!- i love all of those.
Great movie choices Haley!! I was so excited to see Netflix just added You’ve Got Mail!
I am really your podcast with Christy also, feels good to put a voice with the name 😉
Wow, I love this list!!! Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was the only musical my “I-hate-musicals” brother would watch when we were kids. And Little Women…. I could watch it (and read it) over and over and never get tired of it. My daighter’s name is Josephine (named for my grandma), but I love that she also shares a name with my favorite literary woman character! 🙂
A thousand times yes to all of these, and a hearty second to the person who recommended Return to Me. Bonnie Hunt needs to produce more movies, she gets us.
Yes!! I came here to recommend Return to Me, as well!! Now I’ve gotta go watch it for the billionth time…
Wow! That’s almost identical to my list! 🙂 I would have to add Pollyanna though. I always watch You’ve Got Mail and Pollyanna when I don’t feel good or can’t sleep.
I’ve seen exactly one of these movies. But, if it helps, the one I have seen I can recite the entire script for by heart.
When we’re all sick around here and need comfort movies we’ll watch old Marx Brothers movies, Phineas and Ferb cartoons, or Star Wars.
And that one movie I know all the words to, but only if they let me recite all the lines.
Princess Bride, hands down. And might I suggest reading the book when you finish the movie… so good!
I agree. The book is very funny!
“Good. It’s fudge mint.”
“Whatever! I’m reborn!”
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, black&white 1947, great Christmas movie. It always touches me. Amazing how the representation of 1910 school is so much more like my childhood (1960’s) than today’s school. Also, I did attend school in Brooklyn.
For laughs, The Hot Rock 1973 or so. Redford playing a loser. They stole the opening scene from this movie for The Blues Brothers movie. Filmed at the Brooklyn Museum long before Night at the Museum.
Hepburn with Cary Grant in Bringing Up Baby.
You Can’t Take It With You , almost as strange as my family was.
I approve of this selection! Many of these rank in my list of “sick day” movies. I haven’t seen “Newsies,” though just the other day a friend was telling me about it, so I guess I need to now. Also, to this list I’d add some good ol’ Cary Grant or other old classic movies (Bringing up Baby, Bells of St. Marys).
Oh my gosh, we are movie twins!!! I have to add Emma, both the new BBC and the old Gewneth.
ABSOLUTELY Seven Brides for Seven Brides is the BEST!! Bless your beautiful hide, ha ha ha!! I also love Meet me in St. Louis. In fact, weirdly it has become my present wrapping movie around Christmas time. Last but not least, I also am so MEH on Steel Magnolias. That movie, just no. And, when I watched it as a child, I was horrified or the scene where Julia Roberts has the attack…. never happening again.
You’ve Got Mail is one of my absolute favorites! My mom and I used to watch it all the time
I’m pretty sure we’re the same person.
What great movies! We absolutely love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. My guys on their sick days they enjoy watching John Wayne in Mclintock and Rio Bravo. Gary Cooper in the Cowboy and the Lady is a good one too.
Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, and The Sound of Music were big ones for me as a child as well . But also… The Narnia movies, Secret Garden, Mrs Doubtfire, and Nook and the Shirley Temple movie The Little Princess. I never grew up with Winnie the Pooh really as a kid but it’s a go to for my little guy if anyone is under the weather…so sweet. Movies just for grown ups… About a Boy, In America, Big Fat Greek Weeding, Garden State, and Once would be some comfort go toys for me.
Book=Hook ?
Wow my auto correct is on fire today… I’m sure by now you understand my correction.
Also, forgot Newsies oh yes!
If “7 brides” is on your list then Brigadoon needs to be on there too… “What a rare mood I’m in, why it’s almost like being in love!”
My list would have to include Amélie and also Julie and Julia. I’ve got a soft spot for (most) things French. (Plus when I’m all congested it’s so much easier to do a French accent! 😉 )
Have you ever watche the Kevin Sullivan (Anne of Green Gables) WIND AT MY BACK series, as well as the ROAD TO AVONLEA? Highly recommend!
I’ve seen Road to Avonlea but it’s been ages!
Great series. Wind at my back has boys as the two main kid characters.
I love to watch The Lake House, Mansfield Park, Emma, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Les Miserables (very long), Fiddler on the Roof, Jane Eyre (preferably with Zelah Clarke or Mia Wasikowska), Bright Star, and of course Persuasion. As well as series such as Poldark, Cranford, Larkrise to Candleford, Doc Martin and All Creatures Great and Small.
And i also love gone with the wind