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If you’ve been hanging around Carrots very long, you know that my biggest struggle with pregnancy is morning sickness. Not just uncomfortable, annoying morning sickness…like can’t-keep-water-down and need-serious-prescriptions-to-handle-the-situation kind of thing. And then my other kids want to hang out with me when I’m pregnant and that’s tricky when I’m curled up in fetal position drinking ginger ale. Pregnancy is hard for me and so I have been spending a lot of time researching what I can do right NOW when I’m not pregnant to prevent such severe morning sickness in future pregnancies (God willing). I was really excited when I heard that Lindsey, the doula that assisted Lucy’s godmother during her last birth, has put together resources from her expertise to help women like me. So give a warm welcome to Lindsey!–Haley
What!? You might be wondering what morning sickness and peeing your pants have in common. Honestly, I would be surprised if you weren’t. Before I had kids, I had no clue these two things might be somehow related. How? Let’s find out, shall we?
Sometimes when you are throwing up due to morning (all day) sickness, along with the stress of heaving, your bladder weakens and therefore dribbles… or full out releases. This is called stress induced incontinence.
Yes I’ve been there…The first time this happened to me I was throwing up so… um… passionately, that when I was done and cleaning myself up I noticed that my underwear was wet. I was so embarrassed! Here I was, a grown adult having to change my underwear because I just peed my pants.
This happened a few more times, and I began to accept it as “a pregnancy thing” I just had to deal with. It was for a good cause, right? Pee your pants… get a baby. Yay!
Sometime later I got smart about it. If I knew I was about to vomit I would grab a towel and put it between my legs (without my clothes on). Once I started vomiting and peeing, every bodily fluid was properly contained. By using the towel I could salvage my clothes and still feel semi-normal. Later on I got even smarter and emptied my bladder before I vomited. (Please note that peeing before vomiting may require you to be a ninja.)
Through the years I have started chatting with friends, doula clients and the mamas who take my childbirth classes; much to my astonishment I realized that I was not the only one peeing my pants. In fact, a good portion of these ladies were peeing their pants on a regular basis! (via stress induced incontinence, of course) They just weren’t crazy enough to write a blog post about it.
After my enlightenment I began to feel less ashamed. I no longer had to be a “closet pants pee-er,” but could declare to everyone that it’s ok to pee your pants! Ok, so maybe I won’t go that far, but I do feel way more comfortable with my body knowing that I’m somewhat normal.
Side note: Since having my babies I have started to take my pelvic organ health much more seriously and have started doing daily squats and kegels. These two done together can do amazing things! There are some fun side-benefits of squats and kegels (by the way), but they can lead to more babies and more peeing your pants.
The Good News
Morning sickness can cause a lot of unwanted and uncomfortable results, like peeing your pants again for the first time since you were 4. However, I’ve written an amazing eBook called Morning Sickness Remedies which could help you to lessen your morning sickness symptoms, and therefore eliminate the pants peeing. A win-win, no?
Morning Sickness Remedies compiles all the data, advice and remedies I’ve found, and makes them easily accessible in a down to earth, woman to woman format. I’ve done the work so you don’t have to. When you are feeling your worst and have no energy to spare, this eBook will be a life saver, and can help you feel better today! Many women have even eliminated their symptoms completely using some of these remedies!
When I had morning sickness there were so many things that I never tried, simply because I wasn’t informed, and didn’t know what would and wouldn’t work. I was told that morning sickness was something that I just had to endure. While doing research for this eBook I was blown away by what I found. The remedies I’ve discovered have been successfully used on clients, friends and family, and I want you to have the power to relieve/eliminate your morning sickness as well.
One of the things I like the most about this eBook is that it is mega useful for women who are NOT pregnant, because prenatal preparation is the best way to reduce or eliminate morning sickness. Who knew? And between you and me… it’s also the best way to prevent your bladder from picking up where it left off when you were 4.
Lindsey Morrow writes at Mother Rising, a holistic pregnancy blog for new moms and birth workers, and My Best Pregnancy Books (a pregnancy book review site). Her most recent accomplishment entails her first publication Morning Sickness Remedies. Lindsey is a doula, childbirth educator and lives with her husband and two kiddos in North Florida.
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O my goodness! Thank you so so so much for writing this. I experienced the throwing up and peeing phenomenon with my second pregnancy… gosh I suppose it was almost year ago now. But I felt so embarrassed and thought I was the only one. I ended up sitting on the toilet every time I had to throw up and then vomited in a bowl. ….good times…..
Thank you so much for posing about this. I really want to have more children but man, I get so so terribly sick! This is a great resource. Thank you!
I’m a first time mother and I have been peeing while vomiting for weeks now! I’m glad you wrote a blog on this subject, it helped me with quite a few questions I had! Thank you so much for clearing the air and making me feel like I’m not as weird as I initially thought! ??
lol I could have written that first half of this post! I had severe morning sickness and had the whole trying to pee before puking thing mostly down.
I haven’t read your book but I did a TON of things with my diet before getting pregnant with this one and they seem to have helped a lot. I still got sick but it was one puke a day compared to the 15 I had every day with my first.
I’d be interested to see what you suggest
Do I have to purchase the book from the link provided to qualify for the sea-bands, or can I purchase the book from Amazon?
I didn’t have that problem until several weeks into the pregnancy (first). I started sitting on the toilet and throwing up into the small grocery-bag lined wastepaper basket that’s always next to the toilet in my house (one thing my husband picked up from his parents). It actually worked out super well: no need to worry about peeing/pooping all over, and as long as the grocery bag had no holes, super easy cleanup AND fewer splatters. The only thing was, I wasn’t always fast enough to pull down my underwear, sit on the toilet, and grab the can before the eruption began. Ugh.
I have experienced the peeing while puking thing. It gets to the point where when I have to puke I sit on the toilet and throw up into the bathtub that way both are contained. I’m so happy that I’m not the only person going through this! I was so embarrassed by it but it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one!!
Peeing in the tub a puking in the toilet is much easier clean up ?
Oh my gosh. This is me, right now. I put a small bath dish in between my legs while I vomit. I find that emptying my bladder first helps the most, but it’s challenging to time everything just right. It all happens so quickly.
thank you very much for this, i thought i was alone
…i never experienced this with my first and second baby but currently now am at 11 weeks and i pee on myself when vomitting..i now make sure that i carry an extra panty in my bag just incase.
I’m 19 weeks into my first pregnancy and this happened to me just yesterday. I’m always very nauseous and my doctor hasn’t been communicating with my pharmacy properly so I’ve been waiting for medication for almost 2 months now. Nothing helps. Gum used to help, now it makes me more nauseous. Water used to help, now it just makes me throw up more. I normally throw up 2-4 times a day and just a week ago, I was throwing up large amounts of blood because I tore my esophagus from vomiting so violently. Please send help.
Happening to me now. How do you cope at work with this
hits all of a sudden, don’t know how I am going to cope at work when I go back in 2 days
I am so relieved I came across this post. I am 16 weeks with my first. I also have been vomiting quite a bit. I started peeing while vomiting and I was so embarrassed, thought there’s something wrong with my bladder. I try to be as prepared as possible but don’t always make it in time. I’ll try some of the tips suggested here. Thank you.
God bless you for this! I am a first time mom and the fatigue and bouts of morning sickness I have experienced has been crazy, so you can imagine my surprise when I realized I was peeing and throwing up at the same time.
Now I know I am not alone.
Thank you very much for this article i will go on over to ebook now an purchase my book because I was so ashamed to know am a grown woman peeing myself up it even made me cry. I can’t seem to keep nothing down as I eat it comes right back up.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I feel like my bladder doesn’t empty completely because after I pee then I end up puking and more pee comes out and it’s a lot. I’m at a loss with this. I’ve been working my kegels a lot as well.
Omg!! I’m on my 4th baby and I have a weakened pelvic floor from 3 bigger the average babies and fast deliveries (pushing part) and I was so shocked when I was struck with the severe morning (all day sickness) you mentioned as I haven’t had it more then a little previous times. I am sorry to hear other mums and mum’s to be go through this but glad I’m not alone. I pee a little every time I heave it’s awful especially when I am not at home. I have a sick bucket next to the toilet so I can hold it pee and puke at the same time and then flush and clean up after. Sorry tmi but maybe one day someone will read this and realise there not alone like I just did.
Thank you for sharing your story! I am currently going through my first pregnancy and having the peeing while vomiting experience which then would lead to me crying out of embarrassment because I had peed all over the floor. It’s reassuring to know that I am not alone.