Ok, so June Christy wasn’t exactly podcasting in this photo, but isn’t she adorable? And there’s a microphone so….it works, right?
I had so much fun chatting with Kristin Sanders on her This Inspired Life podcast last week. And apparently, it was fun for y’all, too, because after I posted about it, I got a few emails asking about other similar podcasts to listen to. Because let’s face it, mopping floors and folding laundry is a LOT more fun if you have a good podcast to listen to.
So here’s a few of my favorites:
The Art of Simple: This was the gateway podcast for me. I’d never listened to one before but I’ve always been a huge fan of The Art of Simple blog and the founder, Tsh, interviews some of my favorite bloggers like Kara Fleck, Megan Tietz, and Anne Bogel. It’s the perfect mix of thought-provoking, light, and just fun.
Inspired to Action: I heard about the podcaster, Kat Lee, from the AoS podcast and so I started listening to Kat’s podcast on motherhood. Start with Kat’s beautiful podcast about her own journey of motherhood and you’ll be hooked.
The Read-Aloud Revival: Sarah Mackenzie’s Amongst Lovely Things is a a new favorite blog of mine (and she has a great book on homeschooling), so I was thrilled to discover her podcast on developing a family culture of reading aloud and a life-long love of learning. The latest episode features Jamie Hammond of Simple Homeschool. I had the pleasure of meeting Jamie at the Allume conference last year and she is just the loveliest.
Summer in the Little Oratory: I adored Leila Lawler’s book The Little Oratory and I’m looking forward to finishing this series of conversations between Leila and Elizabeth Foss of In the Heart of My Home.
And for bloggers….
If you’re a blogger, you MUST listen to Kat Lee’s second podcasting endeavor, How They Blog. She interviews great bloggers and I learn so much about all the blogging that happens behind-the-scenes. It’s so fun and I eagerly anticipate the next episode.
Do you have favorite podcasts? Please share in the comments! I’m all caught up on my favorites and I have some really sticky floors to mop….
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Among Women is a favorite of mine! =)
I love all these! I also listen to “A Slob Comes Clean.” I don’t really need her decluttering advice (because I’ve heard it all, LOL) but I just like her style! Very friendly and accepting. I have a bunch more on my phone, but they often go unlisted to, while these I return to again and again.
I love Art of Simple and Read-Aloud Revival, so I’ll have to check out the others. The literature nerd in me also enjoys Circe Institute’s Quiddity podcast. 😉
I am just starting to get into podcasts! I really don’t know why it was a genre I avoided so long, I love listening to them and they have been recommended to me for years! Thanks for the list of ones to check out! I found A Faith-Full Life (found at http://adamncrawford.com/) podcast through your podcast interview last week and have been really enjoying it. I also love the Art of Simple blog, but haven’t tuned into their audio stuff yet. Will have to soon!
Oh, this is totally my wheelhouse! I LOVE podcasts while I’m in the car with those too young to give listening opinions 😉
Best Catholic family podcasts: 1. The Catholics Next Door 2. Catholics in a Small Town
Best homily podcast: 1. UMD Newman Catholic Campus Ministry (Fr Mike Schmitz) 2. Fr John Riccardo.
ALL are amazing!
Non-Catholic specific: NPR food podcast, Splendid table, NPR Fresh Air, NPR This American Life
This American Life is outstanding! Here, here!
I also love “A Good Read” on BBC Radio 4. Anything on BBC Radio 4 is pretty much awesome. Best spoken word radio station in the world.
Am pretty addicted to NPR’s “Serial” podcast at the moment too.
I love listening to NPR. I haven’t listened to Serial yet, but it comes highly recommended so I know I need to check it out!
I love the ones you mentioned! Tsh’s podcast was definitely a gateway one for me too…she just interviews so many incredible people who also happen to podcast themselves 🙂
Recently started listening to NPR’s TED podcast and became instantly hooked!
TED is the best! Have you heard this one: http://www.ted.com/talks/rick_smolan_tells_the_story_of_a_girl I absolutely loved it!
Oh thank you! I was just searching for more to listen to. I’ve listened to all the Art of Simple ones while I packed and unpacked for the move. And now I have something to listen to while I make freezer meals before the baby comes 🙂
These look great! Thanks so much for sharing, Haley!
Sparkle Stories! I can press play on the story and then lock my phone so my girls can take it to their room and listen while they play with LEGO. I also like Read-Aloud Revival and The Art of Simple.
If the girls like Sparkle, they might enjoy StoryMoment.com as well. Along with their audiobook series are companion ebooks – great for when they want you to read their favorite story instead of listening or if they’re readers/prereaders, they can follow along.
Take a look.
I Love the Art of Simple and now also The Read Aloud Revival as well! Another two I enjoy is The Splendid Table (a wonderful foodie podcast) and What You Missed in History Class (quite addicted). I love podcasts!
Ok, big confession–I have never listened to a podcast. Like ever. In fact, I just looked at my phone and thought, Well, if there’s an app for it, maybe I should,…and (I am embarrassed to say) no app is needed because it’s just apart of my phone.
So, I’m gonna go ahead and join you all and try a podcast today!! Hooray for trying new things!!
I love listening to Fr. Robert Barron and Catholic Stuff You Should Know (they are funny!) http://catholicstuffpodcast.com/?page_id=12
Hi Haley, I too really enjoy Kat’s podcasts and Art of Simple. A couple of others I enjoy are God in All Things – wonderful meditations (perhaps not so much for mopping the floor as the moments when you get to take a retreat at home!) I also like the Read to Lead podcast – mostly along the productivity/business themes (not sure if you’re into that?). Like some readers above I also like TED (they have a children’s channel) and The Moth for evening story listening.
Thanks for sharing your favourites – I’ll be checking them out!
I really enjoy Catholic stuff you should know in the catholic podcast world and this American life (check out their favorites) in the world of secular podcasts. Thanks for some good recommendations! I’ll be checking them out.
I didn’t get into podcasts until this year because I have so much time I can listen to them at work and it’s great! I love the catholic cafe, art of simple, badchristian, christ and pop culture, god centered mom, and Penn’s Sunday School for whatever reason lol. I don’t know I think he’s interesting and a mostly polite atheist.