I don’t typically use my blog to discuss my bladder (AKA, I kinda can’t believe I’m talking about this on the interwebz) but bear with me…I have a point. When I was 20, I got a UTI. If you haven’t ever had one, lucky you. If you have had one, you know they’re the worst. The thing about mine is that the symptoms didn’t go away…FOR FOUR YEARS.
Sure I took my round of antibiotics and the UTI symptoms improved. But they didn’t go away. When my Dr. tested me for an infection, nothing really showed up so she said it was an “under the radar” infection requiring more antibiotics.
The symptoms would come in waves and the antibiotics didn’t seem to be helping. In fact, when I was on the antibiotics I felt WORSE. I was MORE uncomfortable.
When I explained that the antibiotics that SHOULD be helping were making me feel worse I was told, “That’s not possible. It’s all in your head.” To which I wanted to say, “YOU get woken up 6 times a night to pee and tell me it’s all in your head.”
I went to see a specialist even though it was EXPENSIVE for poor young married college students with bad insurance. She prescribed a low dose of antibiotics to be taken daily indefinitely. It didn’t help.
Most of the time, I couldn’t drink coffee, tea, or alcohol because it was too painful. I could drink water and some herbal teas only. And my symptoms got even MORE fun when I got pregnant with Benjamin and now needed to pee 500,000 times a day.
After he was born I decided to try to get to the bottom of the issue again. So I asked to be referred to a specialist (again). She did an expensive procedure to investigate the “infection” but didn’t find anything and again said, “it’s an under the radar infection.” I asked about diet. “Just drink plenty of water. What you eat won’t make a difference,” she said.
By that time it had been four years of feeling awful and I was done. I started doing my own research and ordered tons of books on cystisis and bladder infections. I quit taking the antibiotics and went on the low-acidity diets my research recommended and I began to feel a little better.
About that time we moved back to our hometown and my brother recommended his chiropractor to me. I went to see him and explained my issues, how the antibiotics made me feel worse, what changes in my diet made me feel better, etc. He didn’t tell me it was all in my head. He helped me figure out that the reason that I wasn’t testing positive for a UTI was because I DIDN’T HAVE A UTI. I was battling yeast in the bladder that was irritating it and causing my symptoms. That’s why the antibiotics didn’t help. They made it worse because they were killing the good bacteria that should keep the yeast in check.
So, he gave me anti-fungal supplements and told me not to eat sugar, ANY SUGAR, for a few weeks. After two weeks, I felt better. And after a month, I felt 100% better. My sleep wasn’t interrupted all night by my pain and I could drink coffee again (bliss!).
And that’s when I started to believe in the benefits of alternative medicine. Not because the Western medicine model is all bad. It’s not. It can do amazing things and I’m grateful. And not because I believe that all doctors don’t listen to their patients because that’s not true. In fact, my current MD is totally awesome and I sing his praises. (Rabbit trail: my doctor’s holy hour is right after my husband’s holy hour and occasionally he comes in late wearing scrubs and says, “Sorry about that! I had to do emergency surgery.” Oh, it’s cool. I’m ok sitting here with Jesus a few extra minutes while you SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE, says Daniel.)
Where was I? Oh, that I like doctors and that I’m grateful for Western medicine. BUT, there is a lot we can do to take charge of our own health. Just by changing my diet I was able to do more than thousands of dollars, three doctors and a specialist could do to help me. I’m not saying we should neglect to seek professional medical care when it’s needed. But I think by ignoring the fact that there might be more than one way to treat a health problem, we aren’t doing ourselves any favors.
Then when my symptoms came back in 2015, alternative medicine has been bringing me back toward full health yet again. I’m still not 100% in remission (from what I now know is Interstitial Cystitis or IC) but I’m getting close! I can almost taste that celebratory cup of coffee I can enjoy when I’m all better. (And if you’re interested, here’s a few of the things I’ve done this year to heal my body.)
That’s why I’m passionate about finding resources to help me be in charge of my own health. And that’s why I love this Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle.
This library of resources is exactly what I wish I had when I was 20, experiencing these health issues and overwhelmed at the prospect of learning how to cook real food for my growing family.
And in the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle you’ll get 83 wonderful ebooks, several e-courses, and over $250 worth in bonus products (and truly, the bonuses alone are worth the price of the bundle!) all for $30.
Every time we’ve partnered with them, I’ve had tons of readers email me to thank me for telling them about it because they loved it so much! It’s that good. (I also always have readers frantically email me after the sale ends because they missed it. So don’t wait! It ends Monday, Sept. 26th at midnight!)
And in addition to dozens of other ebooks, some amazing e-courses, you’ll get over $250 in free bonus offers. Here’s a little video I made all about this year’s bonuses:
And right up front in full disclosure, a portion of each sale we make through our affiliate link goes to supporting our family and we appreciate every purchase from the bottom of our hearts. Truly.
You can buy with confidence because your purchase comes with a 30-day no fuss return policy. If you don’t feel like it’s going to made a difference to your family’s health, you’ll get your money back in full!
But don’t wait because the sale disappears at midnight, Monday September 26th. Time is running out, so grab it now!
You should also look into fermented foods! This helps a ton with yeast overgrowth. So glad you were able to cure yourself! Diet is the root of 99% of illnesses!
That is one thing that I plan to do with this bundle! There’s lots of great info about that sort of thing and I want to start making my own kombucha!
Um hello my name is Jade and I am having the same problem but with a few differences. I have been stuck with what I have been told was a uti ever since I was 13 years old by my mom and I have gone on diets and take. Medicen and antibiotics but nothing seems to change. I am 17 now almost 18 and I am about to go to a doctor next week for this behind my mother’s back because she won’t take me herself, I saved up the money to go but what if I am just experiencing the same problem as you? I am so confused about this and I’m scared and my mother isn’t quite helping me with it all and I don’t want to do this behind her back and I want to be told that I am really going to be fine but since nothing has changed and medicen isn’t working for me I feel like I have to so this. I am not feeling too much pain but there have been days where I had to be sent home because of it, i am on a no acid diet and that is helping out a little but not really it’s still there and I’m afraid of what’s happening, is this ever going to stop am I gonna die from this or suffer this until I die with no cure. I’m so scared and I don’t know what to do. Can you please give me some advice???
Jade, I’m not a medical professional so I cannot really advise you but I highly recommend looking into Interstitial Cystitis. I think that’s technically what I have and it has auto-immune connections. I’ve found the most relief working with chiropractors and acupuncturists, but an MD might be able to help diagnose it. If that seems to be the issue there are tons of resources online to help!
Praying for you, my mother was the same way with my sister when she had a recurring open sore on the back of her ear. The pediatrician said it was because of poor hygiene but after 12 years of cleaning every night (sometime she with rubbing alcohol!) my sister finally got the courage to speak up for herself and get a second opinion. After one visit to a dermatologist she was diagnosed with psoriasis and was finally able to treat it properly. Be brave! We’re rooting for you! Parents don’t always know what she’s best for their children.
Ahhh! Reading this post makes me feel so good that I am not alone! I have gotten UTIs practically monthly for over a year. It is HORRIBLE. And even when I don’t have one I still feel like I do. I can’t believe I’m typing this. Anyways, I have found I can guzzle water, cranberry juice, do everything typical and it doesn’t change my symptoms. I’ve been to 2 specialists and done all the tests and while I’m grateful nothing major is wrong, their response is “you are just prone to UTIs.” Now I am pregnant and I’ve had a UTI 5 times during this pregnancy. I am actually looking forward to my c-section because I won’t be able to feel my bladder for a few hours. My point: I have never heard that yeast can grow in your bladder and maybe that is what is happening to me? Can I get more info about the special diet and anti-fungal supplement you took? Tell me EVERYTHING! (You can email me everything if you feel more comfortable keeping the bladder talk to a minimum in public). 🙂
Ugh, that’s the worst! Ok, I went on a low-acidity diet. So no tomatoes and also no onions. No alcohol. No chocolate or anything with caffeine. No sugar. I think the book I bought that outlined the diet was called “You Don’t Have to Live with Cystisis.” I recommend it. And then the anti-fungal supplement he put me on was FUNGDX from Systemic Formulas. When I was pregnant, I stopped taking that and took Spanish Black Radish instead. But I really think what helped the most was completely cutting out sugar. Since you’re pregnant, I would be cautious with supplements and just start by cutting out sugars and introducing lots of probiotics (which you probably really need anyway because of all the antibiotics). I have never made it through a pregnancy without getting a UTI. I hope you find some relief because it is so uncomfortable and frustrating!
Thanks for sharing your story with us! I had a similar experience with doctors in my teens and early 20s where my cycle wasn’t regular and would go months at a time without (the longest stretch was almost 10 months) and all anyone wanted to do was put me on the pill. I ended up going on the pill and went through about 5 brands, each with it’s own unbearable side effects, before quitting it. I changed my diet and lost weight and voila regularity. I noticed my cycle is consistent as long as I’m under a certain amount of pounds. It’s definitly worth looking into simple dietary changes before you get put on medication that you might not really need. It’s not the answer for everyone but I believe it could be for most people.
The Pill gets used as a bandaid for all kinds of problems that it masks but doesn’t solve. So glad you figured out what would really help your cycle. I have heard similar stories from SO many women!
Also known as a systemic bacterial infection.
I went through the same about 7 years ago. It was horrendous, I was exhausted, bloated, teary & uncomfortable all the time. I was on a round about of ridiculousness for 9months. The female doctor at my local clinic basically said I wasn’t using ‘hygienic practises’ & reinfecting myself. And it was about wearing incorrect underwear, tights, panithose & tight jeans & not washing properly.
So at 40, up until 6 months previously I wore all the same clothes & washed myself in the same manner, but suddenly it was unhygienic?
When I went back to my pharmacist for the 3rd time for a antibiotic & thrush treatment he suggested there was a more than what the doctor was treating me for. He gave me some literature about systemic bacterial infections that can affect breathing, digestion, sleep patterns, mood, & how diet & a specific antibiotic could help right the imbalance . When I went back to the doctor she told me it was nonsense. So I got up & walked out & asked to see another doctor immediately.
I was put on a 60 day treatment of antibiotics to rid my body of all bacteria, a diet free of yeast, sugar, mushrooms, wheat, alcohol & then start introducing good bacteria back into my gut. It took about 4 months before I felt right & slowly I was able to add some things back into my diet, but I have become completely intolerant to anything with yeast in it & I have to monitor my sugar intake.
It is so terrible when your health care practitioners fail you & make you feel like you are pathetic, wrong & stupid. I start to question myself. It was probably the worst year of my life, because I wasn’t really or obviously sick, but I felt awful most of the time.
The new cycle of this was my journey to being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis this year. 2 years of complaining about pain & inflammation before I eventually changed clinics & was sent for blood work & sent to a specialised after one appointment with the new doctor. It’s also been an up & down process, with trying to find the best medication & level of activity that works for me.
That sounds so difficult and frustrating, Jayne!
Hi Jayne! Just a fellow Carrots reader here. There is an American Ninja Warrior (ANW) competitor named Abel Gonzalez (FB page here: https://www.facebook.com/Do.Little.Training) that was diagnosed years ago with RA. In his video package he states that he was given a poor diagnosis, but he decided to take things into his own hands and change his diet. Now he is in such good health that he competes on ANW. He says on his FB page that he has gotten such a huge response about his RA story announcement that he is planning on writing about it soon. His contact info is on his about page. If you contact him, maybe he can point you in the right direction on how to make changes that can improve your health. Health issues are difficult, I’m sorry to for all you that have struggled or are struggling. God bless 🙂
When I was 9 months old until the age of 5 I was constantly on antibiotics for UTI’s and bladder infections because I had “Kidney Reflux”. My mum took me to multiple doctors and specialist and they had to do expensive and invasive tests. But it wasn’t until my mother took me to a chiropractor that they were able to make the constant bladder infections stop. So I agree while I fully support going to see a medical professional sometimes you need to think outside of that box.
I totally agree. Thinking outside the box, doesn’t have to mean ignoring Western medicine, but it certainly can help with everything else is failing!
Great post! I had a similar thing happen while I was breastfeeding my 3rd baby. When she was about 6 weeks old I began to have excruciating pain in my right breast that no one could seem to figure out. It only happened after she nursed and I was having repeated blocked ducts even though that had never been an issue with past breast feeding. I even went to an OB who cultured my milk for infection (the only doc in my giant city who does that apparently). I went on antibiotics despite the culture coming back negative for bacteria and the pain got worse. So much of what I was finding in my research told me that I was having symptoms of ductal yeast but NO ONE would treat me for it because I didn’t have any outward symptoms of it! They all basically laughed at me when I said going on the Paleo diet helped with the symptoms but when I ate sugar, they came back. I dealt with the pain for months and it finally became bearable but never went away completely until I stopped nursing her.
I get frustrated with myself for not demanding yeast treatment because the pain was a factor in me stopping breastfeeding before I wanted to. I guess I just felt like I was overreacting but now I suspect that wasn’t true. (This all happened after trying to conceive for 18 month and being told I was crazy then too, only to self prescribe progesterone cream and conceive that same month) If nothing else the last few years have taught me to trust myself! Thankfully I have also found a wonderful OB who specializes in NaPro Technology and I feel her approach is much more holistic. She really listens and has since treated many of my underlying health issues with diet and hormones.
Oh my goodness, I just had an issue with a clogged duct and I had forgotten how bad that hurts! You must have been MISERABLE. So glad you have a good MD. My MD isn’t trained in NaPro but he’s a medical advisor for a couple kinds of NFP and it really helps not having to explain all that, haha.
Just FYI I bought the healthy living bundle and it’s all because of you! I’m generally resistant to buying things, but it was an amazing deal, and you were right! I love how personal relationships are taking over marketing again!
I really want to thank you for sharing your candida/bladder issues. I feel like I have had a UTI/kidney infection for 3-4 years. The few times I have gone to the doctor for a urine culture, nothing shows up. However, my urine is obviously cloudy with sediment at the bottom of the jar. In fact, I feel yucky right this very moment. Thank you for giving me another direction to go in. I have used chiropractic care and natural remedies, but I am still not getting rid of the issue. And I LOVE sugar, even though I know better! It’s just too easy to grab chocolate chips and some almonds when I am too busy to eat.
Oh Jaime, it’s the worst! I really hope cutting out the sugar and finding some anti-fungal supplements solves your issues. It is such a frustrating problem.
Hello Friend! I’ve heard of your blog here and there and maybe I’ve even come here before but today was my first real visit (I was searching for feast day ideas for Michaelmas – heehee). I’m digressing,… anyways I just had a nasty UTI a couple weeks ago and was prescribed antibiotics… and like you mention in this post the infection is gone but I still have symptoms (like you describe above). I was sure I still had a UTI so I went to get tested again but it showed up clear. So… a God thing that I stumble on your blog? I don’t think so. I’ve been suspicious of yeast for a week now, and wondering if it could be in my bladder. Hmmm….. Food for thought thanks!
I’m glad you shared your bladder woes 😉
I love this post…and because you do such a good job of explaining how alternative medicine helped you. I think many are turned off because they are not getting the facts of exactly how it can help from online proponents. I also appreciate your very balanced approach. Thanks!
wooow i am so happy i found this! i’ve had frequent urination (every 1-2 hours) since 2013. i’m going to try cutting out all sugar, cause meds aren’t working and the doctors at my local hospital dont care and shove pills at me (even tho i keep telling them they don’t work). i noticed that my urination gets really bad when i drink soda. a few months back i cut out all soda/fizzy drinks 4 months and i was starting to go normally again, but then a few days later i would have to go every hour??? i also noticed that when i shower i dont feel like i have to go for 3-4 hours and as soon as i go, an hour later i have to go again………
Definitely look into “interstitial cystitis” and natural ways of treating it! I hope it helps!
Hi there! I am also glad I read this as I can relate to it in many ways. Since giving birth to my daughter 4 years ago, I too have been in and out of appointments spending hundreds of dollars only to be told nothing is wrong with me. I’ve had constant watery discharge and cloudy urine, and no for a fact this is not just “in my head”. It’s caised me to be very depressed and I’ve tried antibiotics that haven’t seemed to help at all either. I quit coffee, and am going to take your advice by cutting sugar out of my diet. What anti fungal supplements did you use? And how long did it take until you saw a difference? Thank you! 🙂