Look at this sad blogger face….
“I’m sorry your computer bwoke, Mama. I fink I can fix it wif glue.”
Alas, Lucy. If only.
Ye ol’ laptop died this week. It’s ancient in computer years, but it’s the only one we had so SAD DAY. Getting it checked out this weekend for salvageability. If it’s good and dead, we’ll have to figure out replacing it…because I’m assuming my big brother won’t let me steal his laptop indefinitely…
BUT, the good news is….our book, Feast! is going to be included in the Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle!!!! I feel famous!
Have you heard of this? It’s like the whole internet is on sale for a week and you can buy every ebook you ever wanted for under $30. Ok, not EVERY ebook ever, but a boatload of amazing books. I bought it last year because it had several books from my favorite bloggers that I’d been wanting and I knew there was no other way to get them all so cheap. So, if you haven’t bought our book yet and want it along with 77 other books plus tons of free bonuses ($850+ worth of resources for $29.97!) this is the time!
When?! Just after Easter. 8am EST Wednesday, April 23 until midnight EST Monday, April 28
Where? You can get it right here at Carrots when the sale is live.
What else is in the bundle other than Feast!?
I can’t disclose all the titles until the sale begins BUT some of my favorite bloggers like Tsh Oxenreider of The Art of Simple, Kat Lee of How They Blog, Nicole Bennet of Gidget Goes Home (And creator of the Motherhood and Jane Austen Book Club), Mandi Ehman of Life Your Way, Katie Kimball of Kitchen Stewardship, Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool and many more! Lots of books on homemaking, food, faith, marriage, health, homeschooling, motherhood, breastfeeding, work/life balance…it’s good stuff. There were actually books included that I previously bought and loved–too bad I didn’t wait for the bundle.
Because I’m a contributor, I got the bundle early and I am absolutely loving all the books I’ve read so far. I’ll tell you all about them when I’m allowed to share.
And also because I’m a contributor, I get to be an affiliate which means that if you purchase the bundle through my links, I will receive a portion of the sale. I really appreciate your support and will be putting away my earnings to replace ye ol’ formerly mentioned laptop so that I can, you know, WRITE and actually blog and give my brother his computer back.
Woohoo! It’s only available for 6 days and then it will be gone forever. So be sure to subscribe to Carrots so that you don’t miss it! I’ll be sharing about some of my favorite ebooks and bonuses (there are $200 worth of amazing products/services that I can’t tell you about yet, but get excited. All sorts of great stuff I saw and said, “I’ve always wanted to try that!”) You can subscribe on the right hand sidebar so that you don’t miss a post!
Happy Friday!
My laptop died when I was living in Canada for a Parliament internship. It was a sad, sad day.
Sweet Lucy to the rescue – what a peanut. Haley, are all of the e-books in the bundle readable as PDFs? How else are they available to read/manage/save after purchase? I don’t have any sort of e-reader, but a combination like this of books and resources on those topics (my FAVORITES!) are too good to pass up, if I can help it!!! Thanks!
They are in PDF format OR available in Kindle format. I like to use the kindle app on my phone for ebooks or just read them on my laptop (R.I.P., laptop.) So you can choose either format, Emily! It is a seriously awesome deal. I was really happy with my purchase last year and I think this one will be even better than the last one!
Oh boy. It looks like we have the same laptop? MacBook from around 2010? Mine was circling the drain recently so my husband added some ram and otherwise spruced it up a bit and now it’s running like new. *knock on wood* I hope I didn’t jinx it! I love this thing! And really feel for you 🙁
Super excited about the ebook bundle. And just in time for Mother’s Day! I think I will sell it to the husband as a pre-Mom’s Day gift.
Yes! The very same laptop. We got it in 2010. My brother (seriously, what would I do without him?) added some more ram last year when it was struggling but…it’s struggled for awhile.
I’m so psyched about the bundle! It would be a great Mother’s Day gift.
So sorry to hear about your computer! Mine’s on its last leg and the friendly folks at the Apple store told me it simply wasn’t worth putting any more money into salvaging it–hoping you get better news. Apple’s got their recycling program, by the way–I’m not sure how much you can actually get, but if you recycle your old devices, you can get a gift card! http://www.apple.com/recycling/
That is great info about the recycling program, Lyndsey! thanks!
Aw, man, bummer about your laptop. I’m sorry!
I’m almost finished with the books I got in last year’s bundle, so I’m mega excited to get this year’s and hooray that Feast is included! Wonderful news!
Hope you have a good weekend, friend!
Thanks, friend! I was so thrilled to be included in the bundle.
Wishing you a great weekend, too 😉
Such a bummer about your laptop! Hope you can get another one soon. Thanks for sharing about the bundle, I can’t wait to see what is included!
You are one talented Lady. Love all your writings on Lent and can’ t wait to get the Liturgical cookbook. Sorry about your lab top. Will pray you get one soon.
Thanks, Nancy!