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I don’t know the first thing about how to prepare a child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation which is why I’m glad there’s people like Kendra who are a few years ahead of me in the journey of motherhood and know what they’re doing. And, because she’s helpful like that, Kendra wrote a book about it! AND IT’S AWESOME. And she sent me one to give away! Hurrah! The crowd goes wild!
My oldest child (age 5) is not quite ready for A Little Book about Confession for Children (published by Ignatius Press), but in a year or two, we will start going through it together. I read through the entire thing yesterday and have to admit that I learned a thing or two (I’m a convert, and I’ll probably be learning about the faith for the rest of my life). Kendra makes the theological basis for the sacrament and preparations for the sacrament very clear in language that is accessible to children. But, she doesn’t water down the richness of Church teaching. It’s really a splendid book. It’s impeccably well-organized, just how I imagine it looks inside Kendra’s brain, and it refers to important passages of Holy Scripture and the Catechism to anchor explanations and answer common questions about Confession. There’s also a very helpful examination of conscience designed for children.
I made my first Confession when I was 25 years old. It was beautiful, but also terrifying to confess 25 years of sins and do everything for the first time as an adult. I’m thrilled that my kids will get to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation as young children and that it will not be a scary, unfamiliar prospect. Kendra’s book is exactly the resource I hoped to find to prepare them (and to know what my role is in helping them prepare.)
Kendra has graciously offered to give a copy of A Little Book about Confession for Children to a lucky Carrots reader (and I’m throwing in the ebook version of Feast! as well). To enter the giveaway, refer to the handy dandy rafflecopter widget below! The giveaway ends Monday at midnight EST. Only open to residents of the US (for shipping reasons! Sorry, beloved readers from around the world!)
Disclosure: Ignatius Press sent me a review copy of A Little Book about Confession for Children and a copy to give away. I tried to be unbiased, although I not so secretly want to hire Kendra as my 24-hour-a-day life coach.
Don’t forget about the Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction Short Stories give away (I’m also giving an ebook copy of Feast! to the winner, but I forgot to mention it because that’s what sleep deprivation does to your brain). It ends tomorrow!
So excited about thus book! Thank you for the giveaway.
Haley- In response to you being a convert, I’ve been Catholic my entire life and I think I’ll still be learning things forever! I think it just goes with being Catholic; You’re never done learning!
Check out Catholic Icing (www.catholicicing.com) too! She has great ideas for preparing kids for Reconciliation…in fact, she just did about 3 posts about the Sacrament of Reconciliation for kids over the past month!! Very “pinnable”
ideas for future use!
I remember my first confession being really frightening, so anything that makes it less scary is definitely a good thing.
*fingers crossed* !!
{Kathy} I loved your statement about being a convert and making your first confession at 25. I was 23 and pregnant with my first child when I did it! I think we have a special blessing as converts. I am proud and honored to have chosen Catholicism as an adult. Thankful you are too.
Looks like a great book!