So I’ve talked about the unimpressive nature of modern Christian art/music, but there ARE some bright spots in the Catholic literary movement like the Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction. And….TA DA! I have a copy of the prize-winning short stories to give away to a lucky reader. Hurrah! And it’s signed by one of the authors: Christie of Everything to Someone, so enter with the handy dandy rafflecopter widget below!
Giveaway open until Friday (Feb. 28th) at 12 midnight EST. US residents only (for shipping). A big thanks to Christie for providing the book for one of you lucky readers!
Who is your favorite author?! Could you have asked a harder question?! 😉 lol.. I have some current favorites but I think my all time, the one whose books I return to over and over, would be Louisa May Alcott.
I am a Janeite!
Tough one…but I will say C.S. Lewis never fails!
Favorite author? Hmmm…we’ll go with Shakespeare, okay so technically a poet and playwright. Favorite novel/prose writer is Hemingway. And nonfiction, lately, David Sedaris.
My favorite’s Shakespeare, too!
Rainer Maria Rilke .. do poets count??? If not, Tolstoy..I’m an addict
I love love love Chesterton.
Eugenio Corti’s The Red Horse is a tome but it is an epic work of Catholic contemporary fiction
Diana Gabaldon!
Favorite author? Following the crowd here but Jane Austen. I never tire of reading about the lives of her characters.
It is so hard to pick just one favorite author! I love LM Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables) and JRR Tolkien (I just finished re-reading The Hobbit). I also like Jaqueline Winspear and Fannie Flagg. There is my short list. 🙂
C.S. Lewis all the way!
My favorite author is currently Flannery O’Connor. No one shows the light in the darkness quite like she does.
Should I be embarrassed to say that my favorite author is and has been since I was 7, Roald Dahl?
Currently, my favorite author would be George R. r. Martin if he finished his next book! I always love Jane Austen though.
Karen White!
The work of both Wendell Berry and Flannery O’Connor have led me to the highest highs and lowest lows (in terms of emotion). However, Harper Lee has my heart now and forever. To Kill A Mockingbird will always be my favorite piece of fiction.
Jane Austen
If I have to choose, Flannery O’Connor!
Charlotte Bronte
My goodness! How can you ask a librarian’s daughter what her favorite author is?!? 😉 C. S. Lewis, Jane Austin, Tolkien, Chesterton, Rowling, J. M. Berrie, Cornelia Funke, Dostoevsky, and Shannon Hale – how can a person ever make up their mind?!?
My mom, sister, and I have been reading your blog for the past year, and we all love it! We were attracted by the name (because Michaelmas was always a huge deal growing up), and we kept reading because of how lovely your posts are :
Tolkien has always been my favorite!
Charles Dickens!
Favorite Author?!?! Too hard!! Would have to be Dean Koontz. But I’ve fallen in love with the Christian Romantic Suspense books put out by LoveInspired Suspense. 🙂
Super interested in reading these, and short stories are the best.
I’d have to say that my favorite authors are Dostoyevsky, Jane Austen, Marcel Proust, St. Thérèse of Liseux, Lady Nijo (from Medeival Japan), and Victor Hugo. I’m personally a huge reader, so I like many random works.
I too am random in my tastes! Lady Nijo sounds like someone I should be acquainted with!
Favorite author? Right now I’m on a Laura Ingalls Wilder kick. But I love Jane Austen the most.
Francesca Lia Block is my favorite today (she writes gorgeous novels, poems, and short stories), but truly I have far too many favorite authors. Why did you have to ask such a hard question!?
Wendell Berry. Novels, essays, and poetry.
Oh goodness. My favorite author would be either O’Connor or Alice Thomas Ellis!
You know I can’t choose!
Haha roald dahl is awesome!
My favorite author is Willa Cather. All of her books are wonderful but if you have never read her go for “Death Comes to the Archbishop” first. “Shadow on the Rock” is another good starter I think. You can never really go wrong with any of her work. You will go away from every book wondering how she did it.
Who is your favorite author? That’s a difficult question! J.K. Rowling comes to mind, along with Austen and C.S. Lewis and Corrie Ten Boom and …. nope, not going to be able to answer the question properly. Oh well :/
Thanks Haley! xx
If anyone has any questions about the stories or Tuscany Press and wants more information on the Tuscany Prize, please ask!
Right now I would say C.S. Lewis!
My favorite author is John Steinbeck. Also, today is his 112th birthday!
Only ONE favorite author????!!!!! At the moment my favorite author is PG Wodehouse, but that will change with the next book I pick up. (JRR Tolkien, Regina Doman, Euginio Corti, and Shannon Hale are other favorites. 😀 )
I’m a George RR Martin fan! He’s the modern JRR Tolkien, even if his books come out so slowly! My favorite classical author would be Oscar Wilde or Edith Warton
A hard question for me. I really like what I’ve read of Lois Lowry and J.K. Rowling as well as Malcolm Gladwell.