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Our sweet boy is FIVE! And after Daniel read The Hobbit to him last year, he’s been requesting a Hobbit birthday party (and he loves watching the animated Hobbit movie). We don’t throw large, elaborate birthday parties for our kids, but we do like to make it special.
The big kids had a slumber party at grandma’s house the night before the party, so Daniel and I spent the whole day working on party things. We’re not great planners. But we’re good at last-minute-throw-it-together-and-make-it-look-good parties. But, in typical fashion, I got a little flustered due to my lack of organization. So Daniel put a sign on the door:
And I turned on the Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack to get us in the Shire mindset.
The Cake
When consulting the birthday boy about what exactly he had in mind, he was obsessed with the idea of a “Great Goblin King Cake.” First of all, that sounded very unattractive and not like something anyone would want to eat. I tried to get him excited about a round hobbit house cake which sounded so much easier to make, but he held onto his goblin cake idea with a vice-like grip. There was no escaping it. A Great Goblin cake he must have or NOTHING! Baking birthday cakes is a little complicated at our house because our kids are allergic to gluten. But we figured out that we could make the cake out of Rice Krispy treat so that it would be GF and maintain the disgusting goblin-y shape Benjamin had in mind.
Ta da! I whipped up the Rice Krispy Treat batter, let it cool for a few minutes until it wasn’t quite so sticky, then molded it into this shape. Then when I tried to decorate with buttercream frosting, my lack of artistic skills became apparent and Daniel offered to decorate Great Goblin so that I wouldn’t burst into tears. The eyes are made of cheese and the teeth from marshmallows. Then, because he’s crafty, Daniel made the crown. I’m still a little impressed we pulled it off.
We tried to stick with Hobbitish food: hardboiled eggs, pickles, crackers and cheese, jam and toast, and chicken salad. We served chamomile tea for the kids and coffee for the grownups and decorated the table with some Tolkien books and brought out the china.
Daniel made Benjamin his very own Sting and a shield with a dragon (Smaug?). Benjamin loves them! And my dear friend Molly sent us this beautiful Hobbit cloak that she made herself!
Our family arrived and we snacked, Benjamin opened presents, and we sang Happy Birthday and ate Goblin cake.
Our little Hobbit was happy. Success.
If you want to take a stroll down memory lane, you can check out Benjamin’s 4th, 3rd, and 2nd birthday parties.
I’m doing the seven posts in seven days challenge.
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This is awesome, Haley!
Thanks, Michele!
Fantastic! I think my favorite is the door sign. You and Daniel are so creative, in an inspiring rather than overwhelming kind of way! Benjamin looks very happy. Well done.
I loved Daniel’s sign, too! And thank you
What a great party theme!! And I think you and your husband did a great job on the cake!
Thanks, Beth! We had a lot of fun
He looks so excited and that’s the best part!
He was VERY excited. He could barely eat a thing.
I love this theme! (In fact, I think my husband would love a birthday party like this ;))… you all were so creative, especially with that cake! Bravo, Carrots
Thank you, Olivia! Funny story, Daniel had a very similar birthday party when he turned 18, haha.
That is precious! I love the sign, complete with the dots above the letters. Is it strange that I would like a Hobbit party – only mine would have beer?
Not strange at all. Just don’t forget to invite us
I’m so incredibly impressed with that cake! I love designing and decorating cakes, and though I’ve seen Cake Boss whip up some seriously impressive shapes using Rice Krispy treats, I haven’t yet made the attempt. I think that you’ve emboldened me. I can’t wait to try this out for our youngest’s birthday day in a couple of months. Though she’s more of a pony or butterfly girl than goblin fan.
I am NOT crafty/design skilled. But the one thing I like to do is make special birthday cakes. With Daniel’s help when the task surpasses my skill, haha. I have a feeling your cake will be a little more appetizing than Benjamin’s
What a wonderful birthday party. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas!
I am totally copying this in 3.5 years. (OMGosh my kid is going to be 2 in 6 months!)
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. So so so so much.
~ Country Girl’s Daybook, recently posted: Catholic beauty & our student chapel: http://bit.ly/1c4jBmC
Adorable! Well done on the Goblin King cake…doesn’t have to look appetizing to us for a kid to love it!
That is amazing! You guys make the absolute cutest birthdays I have ever seen! Hmmm … I wonder if I should have a hobbit party for my 21 birthday?

I have a gluten question: did you have to get the certified GF Rice Krispys? Or are the normal Rice Krispys really just cheaper and gluten free? I had to go off of gluten suddenly last fall, and now the gluten cross contamination is a big issue, and it makes everything more confusing too! Also, did you have to use gluten free marshmallows?
Can you tell I really miss Rice Krispy Treats?
I want a birthday party like this! Maybe I’ll have a hobbit party when I turn 33 and ‘come of age’ in Hobbiton. He looks so happy!
What an excellent birthday party! So nicely done without going over-the-top! I usually go way over the top and nearly kill myself, lol! You throw great birthday parties!