Yesterday I shared the top 10 most popular posts from 2013. The funny thing is, the posts that get the most clicks are rarely the ones that I love the most or poured my heart into. So here’s a few of the posts that I’m most proud of from 2013. If you didn’t read them the first time around, I hope you’ll enjoy them now!
1. Praying with Your Feet: “Sometimes I make the mistake of separating my spiritual life from my vocation as a wife and mother. I see my children as distractions from prayer and spirituality, rather than an opportunity to love God.”
2. What Happened to Christian Art? (Why Is CCM so Awful?): This one stirred up some controversy, but I stand by what I wrote. And I have a post in the works with an extensive list of “good music” resources.
3. Catholicism: Empowering Women for 2000 Years: (The Blessed Virgin Mary: Part I of the series)
4. You Were Not Made for Comfort: What Dwija and Pope Benedict taught me about being great.
5. Breastfeeding in Public, Hungry Babies, and Pope Francis: It’s simple: Please give your hungry child something to eat!
6. 10 Things I Love About Flannery O’Connor: Her childhood triumph of teaching a chicken to walk backwards and more.
7. Stop Doing, Start Being: Learning how to be a mother. Even if it means not accomplishing anything.
8. A Picture of the Incarnation on my Kitchen Floor: When my husband loves me the way Jesus does.
9. Flannery O’Connor’s Violent Grace: Daniel’s brilliant post about blood, gore, and God’s love.
10. Introducing the Hens: Probably had more fun with this post than any other. A chicken photo shoot is funny. Especially if you’re 10 months pregnant and trying to chase them.
What was your favorite post of 2013?
You can also peruse my favorite Carrots posts from 2012.
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If you’d like start the new year off by observing the Christian Year, you can order our book of recipes and reflections for celebrating the liturgical year: Feast! Real Food, Reflections, and Simple Living for the Christian Year. It’s available as an ebook in PDF form for $7.99 and in print for $21.99.
This is a great list! I stumbled on you site in December when I was looking for Advent playlists (yay for Marian Grace!), so there’s a ton of good stuff here that I missed out on. I especially enjoyed the Catholicism: Empowering Women for 2000 Years posts. I was very fortunate to be raised with an appreciation for women for much the reasons you outlined, and more fortunate to find a holy woman to marry while in college.
We have been blessed with 3 lovely daughters (including or own Gwen), and reading you articulate these things makes real the fullness of the job we have on our hands to get them to appreciate what they are.
I’ve enjoyed all your writings immensely, and will be checking back frequently.
Thank you, Rob! What an encouraging comment!
I absolutely love the series on Catholicism and women. I have done a lot of reading on the topic and I think what you write is so well done and incorporates the most important concepts. Thank you so much for putting your talents in that directions, it is so needed and now I have something to permanently refer people to when they tell me that the Church doesn’t love women :-).
Hi Haley,
I just wanted to say a big thank you for my favourite post, or should I say posts, of 2013: the series on NFP. So ok, the hens are pretty great too, but Women Speak on NFP has made all the difference in my relationship. I just wish it had been required reading when I got engaged and went on hormonal BC a year ago. Funny how those two seem to go hand in hand nowadays! Unfortunately, nothing could have put me in a less stable frame of mind for marriage, and without my opportune “stumbling” upon your blog I suspect I’d still be a blithering crazy. No exaggeration. Blithering I tell you.