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I’m three days overdue with Baby Gwen (Lucy was 10 days late) so I’m starting to lose my mind a little. I really gave all my natural labor induction methods a good try yesterday, including acupuncture, spicy Thai food, long walks, etc. but to no avail! One more weekend pregnant just sounds UNBEARABLE. C’mon Baby Carrot!
I’m doing my best to distract myself from the fact that I’m still pregnant so I was thrilled to read my dear friend Stephanie’s newly re-edited ad relaunched ebook From Maiden to Mother: Your Guide to a Conscious Childbearing Year. It’s so readable and filled with good info that I wish I had known before getting pregnant with my firstborn.
I met Stephanie at the park a couple of years ago and then became a staff writer for her blog, Mama and Baby Love. I’m so bummed that her family just relocated to S. Florida! But before heading out Steph stocked my freezer with some of her slow cooker freezer meals and some lactation cookies for when Gwen arrives because the woman has organizational SKILLS. Anyhow, Stephanie is my go-to gal for all my crunchy pregnancy/real food/birthing/postpartum questions since she’s a certified doula and a Birthing From Within mentor as well as a licensed massage therapist specializing in pre-conception, pregnancy, and postpartum. I’ll have even more questions for her if I end up doing a home birth at some point (maybe if we’re blessed with another baby after Gwen?) like she did with her little girl Penelope.
From Maiden to Mother has lots of great info for new mamas, particularly about pre-pregnancy and pregnancy nutrition. And there’s lots of links to great resources to get you thinking about labor and post-partum as well. Now, Steph’s a little bit crunchier than I am and has blazed some trails I haven’t attempted yet, like eating her placenta. The woman is brave. And there’s a little bit of colorful language, so fair warning. But, Stephanie knows her stuff and shares all the advice she’d give to a friend in this ebook. I think it’s a great resource and I contributed a little of my own advice about motherhood in the ebook, as well. Does that make me a published author?
Just wanted to share with you since it’s on sale right now for $6.99 until June when the price will jump to $9.99. And stay tuned for Steph’s e-course on holistic parenthood preparation and personal growth/healing which will include interviews with some amazing folks like midwifery pioneer Ina May Gaskin! I can’t wait for it to launch!
Also, prayers for this little daughter of mine to decide to exit the womb? I am so ready to be holding her in my arms!
That book sounds great and so does Stephanie! And don’t slap me but just remember you’re not late or overdue until 42+ weeks! Hang in there, Mama! I know how hard the end is but she will be here so soon! *now ducking*
Haha! No, you’re right! That’s why last time I pushed so hard to avoid getting induced before I was a full 42 weeks and thankfully Lucy came on a Saturday morning when I was scheduled for the induction the following Monday. Pitocin freaks me out, so I definitely don’t want to go that route unless baby seems to not be getting nourished in the womb anymore. I have the biophysical profile scheduled Wednesday to make sure there’s enough amniotic fluid, etc. but I’m SO hoping I’ll have a baby by then and won’t need to keep my appt!
I have no idea if it made a difference for me or not since my son was actually born the day before his due date, and you may have been trying these already, but the techniques like nipple stimulation (releases natural oxytocin) and sex (protsoglain E in sperm ripens the cervix) certainly sent me into hours of contractions. Which, if nothing else, helped make my labor very smooth and easy – or so I think. I may have just been very lucky. But, I throw it out there! Prayers for Baby Carrot to decide she’s ready to come soon!
I have used nipple stimulation during my other labors to help move from prelaboring to active labor, but I haven’t used it to induce contractions to get things going. And sex has never set off labor for me but….while you’re waiting around for a baby….why not, right? ; )
Have you made use of Evening Primrose oil at all? Thinking of you!
I always start on the evening primrose oil around week 37. I’m not sure how much it helps but why not? It’s super easy and there’s no risks to taking it. I take it twice a day and hope it helps gets things ready.
Love reading your blog. Our kids are similar in age: I have an almost 4 year old boy, a two year old girl, and just gave birth to our third, a little girl born just a few weeks ago on May 7th! I was also a “desperate” pregnant woman ready to go into labor. All the usual natural induction methods were not working for me. In my desperation I did try castor oil and went into labor within a few hours!! Don’t know if it was the castor oil, or just a coincidence, but it sure seemed to work like a charm!
So fun that our kids are so similar in age and the same gender! I am truthfully scared of using castor oil after hearing from friends how miserable they felt after taking it (even though for many of them, it did start their labor!). I would definitely rather start my labor with castor oil rather than pitocin, but I would probably wait until I was a full 42 weeks and trying to avoid an induction. Did it make you feel horrible? Some of my friends told me “I felt like I was dying!”
Just wanted to echo michaela’s suggestions: I think those were helpful for me too (now, let it be clear that I was 4 days over my due date with 1st two / 2 days over with my third, so I’m empathizing with you!!)
Just remember that she will be here imminently, praying for patience for you!!
Thanks for the prayers, Monica! I actually thought late last night that it was time but then things fizzled out….