My kind husband watched the kids all last weekend so I could go on an Advent retreat (my first Catholic retreat ever!). It was so refreshing and beautiful. I always get sinus infections right after Thanksgiving or I’m involved in Nutcracker rehearsals, but neither of those things happened this year and it’s been quiet and intentional and awesome. I’m starting to think about our plans for the 12 Days of Christmas. I think we’ve got a great way to celebrate each of the days and I’m so excited.
He also made this super lovely creche for our Nativity Scene. Skills!
In the Liturgical Year: We had a wonderful Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Wednesday.
We all made it to 7am Mass (only 2 minutes late!) and then Daniel whipped up a special breakfast. We got a book about St. Juan Diego at the library and made tacos for dinner. Then I realized that I had NOTHING planned for Lucy’s name day: St. Lucy’s Day. NOTHING. When I got back from my holy hour on Thursday morning, Daniel had made gluten-free cinnamon rolls with the kids to celebrate her day (mostly so I wouldn’t feel so guilty about not having planned anything cool.) The dear man.
In the Garden: We’re still getting green peppers! Can you believe it? And greens, greens, and more greens. Swiss chard and lettuce greens and Chinese cabbages. YUM. There is nothing better than eating a salad that was connected to the earth 5 minutes earlier.
The Quotable Benjamin: Benjamin is getting really excited about “our new baby.” He did confess some apprehension about whether he could handle the responsibility, though. “I just don’t know if I can take care of TWO babies.” he said (meaning Lucy and Baby Carrot). I guess we did a good job of emphasizing his role as a big brother, but I’m not sure exactly what he thinks is “taking care” of his little sister. Does dancing around in your underwear so loud there could be a herd of bison lose in your room during naptime count? If so, yes, Benjamin. You’re a huge help.
Holiday Lattes in the Crockpot: Keeper of the Home (This sounds so yummy and I want to make some.)
G.K. Chesterton and How to Celebrate Christmas: Fountains of Home (I am LOVING all your Little Holydays posts! Thank you everyone for linking up. Next one is on Monday!)
Instagram Worth Sharing (I’m carrotsformichaelmas on IG if you want to follow):
A sweet moment before Daddy left for work this morning.
THANK YOU to all you wonderful folks that have been purchasing from Amazon using my links or search widget (on the right hand sidebar). I receive a tiny percentage of each sale made through my links and every little bit helps. Amazon sales really keep the lights on around this ol’ blog. I really appreciate each and every one of you doing your Christmas shopping through my links. It means so much that you took the time to go through Carrots. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Happy Friday and I hope you have a lovely weekend!
If you like travel shows, Rick Steves does a European Christmas and focuses on different tradition. He does a whole thing on Sainta Lucia in the Scandinavian countries. There’s a song and head wreaths and stuff if you need some ideas.
Oooo, that sounds awesome. I wonder if I could find it on netflix?