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I love living in N. Florida. Truly. I love it. October through early May is dreamy. You can eat outside every night and avoid wintry inconveniences (AKA socks. I hate ‘em!). But by the time August rolls around, I’ve had it. I whine and cry and threaten to move. Here’s an easy little kid-friendly concoction that Benjamin and I whipped up last week that is helping us survive the misery of miseries (Florida in August): Icy Raspberry Tea!
Because we don’t really keep juice around our house (why give my 3-year-old little explosion of energy more sugar?), Benjamin mostly drinks water. But sometimes I do try to mix things up so that he can have a “special drink” and herbal tea is my go to. On this particular day, Benjamin remembered that we had frozen raspberries in the freezer and said, “Let’s make raspberry tea WITH REAL RASPBERRIES!” And so we did:
Icy Raspberry Tea Recipe
(Makes 2 glasses of Icy Raspberry Tea)
In a mug, steep one raspberry tea bag in boiling water for 5 minutes. We used this kind.
Herbal raspberry tea has a sweet, fruity flavor and the frozen raspberries add extra sweetness so adding sugar or honey isn’t necessary. But, if you do prefer a little bit more sweetness add your honey now when the tea is hot.
Fill two glasses 2/3 full with ice. Add half the mug of hot tea to one glass and half to the other. The ice will quickly melt.
To make it more delicious, icy, and pretty add a handful of frozen raspberries to each glass. Voila! Icy, sweet, and refreshing!
How do you survive summer?
For another cold summer treat, check out:
Note: If you are pregnant/nursing always check the label of your tea and make sure that it contains nothing that might be harmful to you or your baby.
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