Happy Friday! To those of you who promoted and pledged to the East Hill Honey kickstarter project, thank you, thank you, thank you! They made their goal just in time! Bees! Local Farmers! Sustainability! Win!
In the Garden:
Look at the beauty that greeted us in the garden when we arrived home! I want to grow sunflowers always. Forever!
Lots of banana peppers! Also chili peppers, jalapenos, and bell peppers. Mmmmm.
Hands down, my favorite thing about vacation is getting a chance to READ. On our trip, I finished the lengthy, but amazing Sword of Honour Trilogy by Evelyn Waugh (my favorite novelist). Funny, poignant, and very Catholic, like Brideshead Revisited, my all-time favorite novel. It was set during WWII and the plot primarily turns within a military setting. I have a hard time getting into war stuff (books, films, etc) so the fact that I polished off a 700+ page novel about WWII points to it’s brilliance. But if you’ve never read Waugh, start with Brideshead. IT IS THE BEST.
I also re-read G.K. Chesterton’s masterful Orthodoxy. This is a must-read. If you haven’t read this fine work of Christian thought yet, you’re in for a treat. Chesterton is just so hilarious and so TRUE. I enjoyed just as much the second (third?) time as I did the first.
What are you reading these days?
Goal Setting Charts for Young Kids: Simple Kids
7 Pantry Staples to Spice Up Your Life and Curb Your Cravings: Kitchen Stewardship
The 5 Newborn Essentials: Mama and Baby Love (my new post!)
Homemade Granola: Three Ways: A Beautiful Mess
A is for Alphabet, B is for Books: The Family of O (Super love this post by Sarah on ABC picture books. I ordered a bunch of these from the library to read with Benjamin!) Also check out her recipe for Homemade Hummus because hummus is yummus.
Bountiful Preserving: Molly Makes Do
The Quotable Lucy:
We’re taking a break from Benjamin’s usual hilarious antics to celebrate Lucy’s blossoming language acquisition. The rental we stayed in on vacation housed some pretty impressive taxidermy. Or at least Lucy was impressed enough to start saying, “De-ah!”
Pictures Worth Sharing:
Lightsaber battles with Daddy are WAY more fun than unpacking on a dark and stormy night.
My, she’s swell.
Lucy mastered the finer points of peekaboo on our road trip.
Enjoy your weekend, dear ones! It’s good to be back 🙂 And don’t forget to tell me what you’re reading because I’m dying to know!
You are right, Chesterton was so good! Now I am reading Catholicism by Robert Barron. I like Barron’s style and his writing is making me think, which is a really good thing. I love books that require a pencil and post it notes while reading!
I haven’t read Catholicism, Bekkah. I’ll have to put that on my list!
Augustine: Confessions
N T Wright: The Challenge of Jesus
Love Confessions:)
Orthodoxy here too! Delicious. And I love Catholicism by Fr. Barron – especially since I bought the iPad version and it has video. Who doesn’t love it when the author of your book starts talking to you? : ) (I can’t believe it, but I’m a convert to the e-reader – I thought I’d be a hard core paper girl for the rest of my life). Also reading the New Yorker, as always. Next up – something by Graham Greene. I loved Our Man in Havana years ago, and want to explore some more. And on the topic of conversion – I’ve never cared for sunflowers, but that photo might be changing my mind.
Orthodoxy literally made me laugh out loud. Daniel and I would both be reading and I would just start giggling and INSIST on reading him the funny passage. Was probably super annoying since he was trying to read him own book, haha. Alright, second vote for Fr. Barron’s book. I’ll have to get on that. I’ve never read any Graham Greene but I’ve been meaning to read The Power and the Glory for years.
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis! It’s been sitting (unread) on my bookshelf for 5 years…tisk tisk :(. I saw it on your book list and took it as a sign. Also reading The Latin Mass Explained.
I’m adding Orthodoxy to my list…thanks!
Oh, I’m so glad you’re reading Till We Have Faces. It’s been 4 years or so since I’ve read it, so I’m itching to read it again because it’s one of those books you want to re-read forever. I hope you love it.
I’m currently reading “He Leadeth Me” by Fr. Walter Ciszek. I’m only a few chapters in, but so far it’s really good. I’ll have to add “Orthodoxy” to my list of books to read – it sounds interesting!