After a very rough night of teething for Baby Girl and not much sleep for Mama (or Daddy, for that matter), we started Day 2 of all day rain due to Tropical Storm Debby.
Daniel got up early with Benjamin and changed and dressed Lucy so that I could have an extra few minutes of sleep. When I did drag myself out of bed, he had bacon, eggs, fresh tomatoes, and toast ready. How would I survive without this guy? I thought, while desperately chugging my mug of coffee.
It is so dark outside and dreary and pouring down rain. Our chickens are huddled under the sheltered side of the coop looking grump and my wee ones are restless from being trapped inside.
But, we’re trying to make the most of it by doing snuggly, rainy day sorts of things. After some puzzles, I read aloud to Benjamin while Lucy practiced her new skills of pulling up, cruising, and exploring everything. I’m trying to find books that are just right for Benjamin’s attention span. He is ready for more than picture books but not yet ready to sit through a chapter book without many pictures. Paddle-to-the-Sea by Holling C. Holling is just right. It has lots of text on each page, but has beautiful illustrations that keep his attention.
Any recommendations for other books in that category?
Miss Lucy is enjoying the new board book I got her from our new local bookstore (which is fortuitously located in the same space as a Cupcakery, no complaints here):Pride and Prejudice, A Counting Primer by Jennifer Adams. It’s seriously adorbs. “1 English Village, 2 Rich Gentlemen…”
She has also discovered the delightful game of removing every book from the bookshelves. Now that naptime is over, I gave in to Benjamin’s request to watch “a little rainy day movie” and the kiddos are snuggled up watching a National Geographic special about Lions and Hyenas. So far, Benjamin thinks hyenas have adorable noses and wants his very own water buffalo.
Doesn’t look like this storm is going anywhere soon so tomorrow will be another all day rain fest. What do you do on rainy days? What activities do your children enjoy when they can’t play outside?
Hooray for Pride and Prejudice! We love that one! There’s a craft activity that I’ve been wanting to do with Mags for a while in which you use markers to draw on coffee filters and then spray them with water to make them look all tie-dyed. Then you take a decorated clothespin and turn them into butterflies. I also think you could use that idea for all kinds of tie-dye art. I think we’ll bust it out for 4th of July decorations. Hope you survive the rain!!
Even Benjamin wanted to read it, even though it’s just a board book. “Why does Lizzie say “no” the first time he asks her to marry him and “yes” the second time?” he asks.
Love the coffee filter idea! And I think the rain has mostly passed. Yay!