Well, m’dears, since last week I was swept away to St. Augustine and didn’t have a chance to write a This Week’s Miscellany, it’s high time for your weekly dose of pictures, links, and weird saying from my three-year-old. (Speaking of our trip to St. Augustine to the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, here’s a great post with some beautiful prayers.)
Coming Up in the Liturgical Year: The Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist on Sunday.
Quote: Thanks, Katherine for reminding me about this one: “How can it be a large career to tell other people about the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one’s own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone and narrow to be everything to someone? No, a woman’s function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is
minute.” G.K. Chesterton (p.s. I love the ‘G.K. of the Day’ posts from Christy over at Fountains of Home)
In the Garden: Tomatoes (and more tomatoes! so many varieties of tomatoes!), green onions, sweet peppers, green beans, jalapenos, summer squash, basil, and even a huge green cushaw pumpkin the size of Lucy.
Links: In case you missed it, you can read my first post as Gardening Editor over at Mama and Baby Love about Kids in the Garden: Creating a Space for Learning. And I may have struck a chord (and ruffled some feathers) when I wrote about how Twilight is a dreadful book for preteen girls (and boys) to read in:
Why You Can’t Read Twilight: A Letter to My Daughter.
Music for Catholic Families: Catholic Mothers Online (Love this, I always am looking for sacred music I don’t have and there’s some great suggestions. I have a serious aversion to “kid’s music,” and try to avoid it at all costs, so I can’t vouch for any of the ones suggested. What sacred music do you like to listen to and do your kids enjoy? And if you’re a cool parent whose willing to suffer through kid’s tunes, what do you recommend…maybe I should be more self-sacrificing.)
The Quotable Benjamin:
“If you’re watching a movie instead of playing with your friends when they come over, is that VERY dishonorable?”
Benjamin: What should we name this worm?
Daniel: What do you think?
Benjamin: Well. Umm. What’s a good name for a meerkat?
Daniel: I don’t know. The only meerkat name I know is Timon.
Benjamin: OK. Let’s name the worm Timon.
We told Benjamin that if his table manners didn’t improve and he continued to act like a barbarian, he would have to eat in his room while we enjoyed dinner at the table. The next day when his table etiquette was wanting he asked, “Am I going to have to go eat in my room like a librarian?”
“Maybe you could just work long enough to make ONE piece of money.” – Benjamin brainstorming ways for Daniel to spend more time at home
Pictures Worth Sharing:
Baby Girl learned how to wave! It’s adorbs. She’s very pleased with herself.
This is B’s favorite outfit: nightshirt, froggy rainboots. Who can blame him?
My kids are obsessed with nutcrackers. I teach ballet, they can’t help themselves, poor dears.
Precious teething droolmonster.
And say a little prayer and light a candle for my bloggy friend Dwija at House Unseen. She’s in labor with her sweet baby girl! Have a loverly weekend and stay tuned for a giveaway next week!
Thanks for the link love Haley!
I want your vegetables by the way! We’re still waiting on our little seeds to grow way up here, we might have lettuce by the middle of July…seriously, its pretty sad.
And I love Lucy’s dress! She looks all dolled up for a night on the town!
Of course, friend! Honestly, at least once a week I think of you in that cold, icy tundra (which is how a southern girl imagines Canada) and weep for you. Hope your garden grows well!
And thank you! Daniel’s mama keeps my children presentable by gifting us almost every item of their clothing. She was all dressed up for the Saturday Vigil Mass a couple of weeks ago. Cutie pie.
“scripture lullabies” is really soothing and not at all annoying like a lot of kids music. I make my kids listen to that with me right now.
Thanks, Brittany! I’ll check it out.