And now for the news I promised! I’ve been asked to be the Gardening Editor over at the amazing blog, Mama and Baby Love! It’s a parenting, natural living, and family wellness blog founded by my friend Stephanie. I’m so excited and honored to join her team! I’ll mostly be writing about Urban Gardening with some vocational motherhood and miscellany thrown in. The idea of writing for such a big and successful blog is inspiring but also intimidating.
I’ll still be keeping up my own little blog, Carrots for Michaelmas, though! Now seems an appropriate time to give a big thank you to all my wonderful readers and subscribers. It’s been wonderful to see CforM start to grow this year thanks to you for sharing and pinning my posts. Thank you so much! Really. Your encouragement has motivated me to try and pursue blogging more seriously.
If you are an email or RSS subscriber and haven’t been to the blog itself in awhile, you should check out the changes I’ve made. I moved it from to my own domain a few weeks ago and I think it’s much easier to navigate. I added a series of tabs at the top that organize my posts into categories (Popular Posts, Books to Read, Motherhood, Our Catholic Faith, Urban Homesteading, etc). I also added Amazon affiliate links to my very favorite books of all-time. You know, books that changed my life, on the right sidebar.
Now that I have my own domain I can do sponsored giveaways for you, (like last month’s from Ecological Babies and Trendy Traditions) something doesn’t allow. And I can also have sponsors, ads, and Amazon affiliation to defray the costs of my own domain, having a web host, forwarding from my old blog, etc. Maybe someday Carrots for Michaelmas can actually supplement our finances (I teach ballet one day a week but otherwise we live off one income which requires…..erm…creativity 🙂 ). So, another thanks to those of you who have been using my amazon links to make purchases. Every little bit helps and I appreciate it so much.
I’m brainstorming about posts for this summer. Any topics you want covered or questions you want answered? What sorts of posts are your favorites at CforM? I’ve thought about narrowing my focus a bit since the topics I cover sometimes feel all over the place, but I love writing about so many things (Catholicism, motherhood, literature, agrarian living, the liturgical year) that I don’t want to leave any of those behind.
Thanks again for all your amazing comments, emails, encouragement, and friendship! You guys really are splendid.
Margot Payne says
I say: Keep writing about topics about which you are passionate. You articulate with depth yet you summarize well and highlight the essential points of complex issues. I think this is your gift. You also bring a pre-modern sensibility to a post-modern world. You are a voice for “orthodoxy and orthopraxis.”
I think you well-chose your blog title. We refer to it as “Carrots,” which makes me think of the Anne Girl.
Haley says
Love that it makes you think of Anne:)
Katherine says
I believed we talked about a morning sickness post? Potentially entitled, “How Not to Hate Your Unborn Child.” And I’ll get to my guest post soon, I hope!
Haley says
Haha, yes! We did talk about that. I’ll come up with my top tips and get your input, too, since you’re recovering from some downright dreadful morning sickness, m’lady.
Molly Makes Do says
I had 6 months of all-day, every day morning sickness (and lost almost 20 lbs in the process) and survived, what do you need to know? =)
Molly Makes Do says
More Catholic posts – I’m still learning about the celebrating a liturgical year and would love to see more of this and everything else!
Haley says
You got it, Molly!
brittany says
Hi Haley! Your friend Holly told (found her through instagram) told me I should stop by and say hello! Another Catholic mama and gardener here 🙂
Haley says
Thanks for stopping by, Brittany 🙂 Always fun to meet other Catholic mamas! Holly is such a jewel. I think she’s one of the loveliest people I know.