Our little bear has improved significantly since this morning! His oxygen levels started to go up and they didn’t end up having to give him any extra oxygen. He got breathing treatments throughout the day as well as an IV of steroids. After assessing him this evening, the Dr. thought there was a good chance that he WILL get to go home tomorrow instead of in 2 or 3 days as they previously thought. Benjamin had an x-ray of his lungs to make sure he didn’t have any pneumonia. His lungs were free of pneumonia but the Dr. said they showed his asthma attack was VERY bad. I’m glad I didn’t delay taking him in this morning when he continued to wheeze!
I was so proud of our sweet brave boy during this tough day. He was good as gold except for one major meltdown in the early afternoon when the novelty of the hospital wore off and he realized that being there is boring and dreadful. So hard to see him cry and beg to go home! He also had a really hard time when they were trying to put in his IV (Daniel took him to the treatment room for that while I was with Lucy. I tend to faint when I get shots or blood drawn, so I think he knew he would be better at handling the situation.) Daniel was so amazing with Benjamin all day. Our family is so lucky to have such a wonderful daddy!
And if you have to be sick in the hospital, at least you get to snuggle with Daddy and read Dr. Seuss.
Please continue to pray for our sweet boy’s recovery and that he will improve enough to come home tomorrow! I am so grateful for my precious family, medical care, insurance, and grandparents in town to bring us food and treats for Benjamin, and for your prayers.
Hugs! Praying tomorrow finds your whole family home together.
Thanks, Dwija!
Any ideas as to what may have triggered it? Season? Exposure to something? We learned over time that things like fresh, cut grass, neighbors laying sod, places where hay, animals, and smoke mixed (i.e. North Florida Fair), etc were some of the worst. I think every case is different, but sometimes, triggers are triggers. Yes, much to the dismay of the children, once we realized the connection between the fair and the steroids that came 5-10 days later, we never went back.
We’re not sure, Sonya. It seems that every time he gets a runny nose, either from a cold or from some sort of allergies, it turns into an asthma attack. We think that his eczema gets worse when he eats gluten or dairy so food allergies are a possibility, too. We are taking him to see an allergist in two weeks so hopefully we can get some more answers from that. I’d love to get together with you and Brian and eat bacon-wrapped jalapenos and pick your brain about what helped your kids.
Awww – that’s no fun for any of you. Prayers for your whole family and especially for your little guy for healing.
Thanks so much, Sarah!