Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
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Coming up in the Liturgical Year: Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, Lent! I didn’t realize that THIS WEDNESDAY will be Ash Wednesday until yesterday! We’re having some friends over to celebrate Fat Tuesday (King Cake, and Cajun food!) and I need to decide what I’m giving up for Lent. In the past I’ve given up coffee, sweets, and Facebook. This year I think I will give something up and add daily Mass or daily Rosary. What are you giving up? Karen Edmisten has a great compilation post of all her lenten posts including some great ideas about observing Lent with little ones. I definitely want to implement some of that with Benjamin this year.
Listening to: Bon Iver. I just keep coming back to the album released last year. It. Is. Just. So. Good.
I Wore the Same T-shirt Every Day for 1 Year (and why it doesn’t matter): Our dear friend Nathan writes eloquently about his sartorial experiment. I, for one, never noticed that he wore the same outfit every day (he did have multiples of the same shirt for washing purposes). His thoughtful post inspired me to pare down my closet. One of my struggles is worrying too much about how others perceive me and Nathan post really encouraged me to just be myself. I wonder how I could do something similar as my lenten discipline. Thoughts?
Keeping Coming Back to It: Simcha Fisher, one of my favorite Catholic bloggers, writes about marriage. Great post.
Divide and Conquer: George Weigel writes about the current administration, Catholics, and the HHS mandate.
Pictures Worth Sharing:
While Baby Girl and I were recovering from illness (she was such a sweet, happy girl even when she was sick!), Little Bear stayed busy doing art projects and watching way too many episodes of “Mighty Machines.” Lets focus on the art projects, shall we?
Little Bear titled this masterpiece: “Bobcat in a Tree”
And all week long, Daddy took care of everyone. Seriously. Best husband and dad ever. I’m so glad he didn’t get sick, too!
The Quotable Benjamin:
“Mama, you hid all my Valentine’s candy! I’m gonna start callin’ you ‘Sneaky Sue’!”
“Mama, get your yarn out of my face. I mean, get your hair out of my face.”
Thanks so much for sharing…definitely good reading! I, too, am a convert and was wondering if you could recommend other reading materials that you may have found interesting/helpful in regards to Catholic teaching, motherhood, etc. Maybe even any blogs that you follow or books that you read that influenced your decision to join the Church? I think I’m taking up continued Catholic “education” (for lack of a better word) for myself as my Lenten discipline, so any suggestions would be appreciated!
I thought your question deserved a whole post, Mary Susan! Here ’tis!: http://carrotsformichaelmas.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/the-big-ol-catholic-reading-list/
LOVE your blog! I cant tell you how excited I am to have met you-Catholic, crunchy, AND a blogger!
And Simcha is my favorite-I check the register every single day looking for updates.