My blog has gained a surprising number of new subscribers and followers in the past couple of weeks (the surprising part being that my mom isn’t the only one reading it anymore). So thanks for subscribing and for sharing and pinning my posts!
For you new wonderful followers, I’m Haley. Lovely to meet you.
I’m a Catholic convert living in the bright, sunny, South. Things I love include bacon, the Middle Ages, okra, Harry Potter, coffee and tea, Jim Dale audiobooks, reading in the bathtub, Arthurian literature, Bon Iver, Masterpiece Theatre, ginger cookies, Miss Jane Austen, and celebrating the Christian Year. I teach ballet, and I’m married to this guy.
His name is Daniel. We were high school sweehearts. You can read our Love Story if you’re in a sentimental mood. Daniel is good at mostly everything. You can read about how cool I think he is in this sappy post.
We’ve got two wee bairns, Benjamin, and Lucy. You can read about how we unexpectedly became parents in this post about My Unplanned Pregnancy. Benjamin is hilarious, adorable, and almost three. His interests include blueberries, construction equipment, his dinosaur slippers, and Friday when the garbage truck drives by our house. Check out his Birth Story if you’re into that kinda thing. Lucy is our newborn baby girl, full of sugar and spice and everything nice. Her interests include mama’s milk, snoozing, and charming everyone with her grin. You can read her Birth Story here.
We’re lucky enough to live in the same town with both our families and siblings after a 6 year exile to Texas (Texas, our Texas! All hail the mighty state!). And due to Daniel’s farming skills, we’ve got a pretty fantastic urban garden and three chicken ladies squawking around our front yard. Meet Feven, Daughter, and Gas Can (yes, Benjamin did name them).
You might also want to check out our blog about our attempts to celebrate the liturgical seasons: Feast! A Celebration of the Christian Year, the Lives of the Saints, and Good Food.
Thanks again for dropping by! You can contact me at haley.s.stewart(at)gmail(dot)com
I would like to recommend a book for younger girls. I don’t know the author because my adult daughter now has the book, but the title is Cinderedna. The plot is that a different girl goes to the same ball as Cinderella. But she buys her own dress with the money she earned cleaning bird cages, etc. At the ball, she meets the prince’s younger brother. Even though they are both interested in recycling, and she knows a lot of tuna recipes, they decide to wait until they know each other better to get married. And they live happily ever after.