Coming up in the Liturgical Year: Tuesday is St. Cecelia’s Day and also the anniversary of Benjamin’s Baptism!
We’re going to light his baptismal candle and we’ll probably read Water, Come Down!: The Day You Were Baptized.
Listening to: Florence and the Machine: Ceremonials
I can’t stop listening to “Shake It Out.” And her hair…I can’t wait til Elizabeth Joy is back from maternity leave and can make my hair good and red again!
A Blog I Follow: A Beautiful Mess: A gal named Elsie’s posts on vintage fashion, DIY projects, and all sorts of fun.
I’m Excited About: The new feature film version of Wuthering Heights. I recently watched the most recent BBC miniseries and really enjoyed it. I remember seeing the Ralph Fiennes/Juliette Binoche version with my brother years ago and that it terrified both of us. I saw this video of the Mumford and Sons song they wrote for the new movie on Abigail’s blog:
Some Quotes I Heard This Week: “One of the vicious trends which outrage our modern industrial civilization is a kind of asceticism at the service of the useful, a kind of unholy mortification for the sake of no superior life. Men are still capable of excitation and relaxation, but almost deprived of any pleasure and rest of the soul – a life which would seem insane even to the great materialists of antiquity. They flog themselves, renounce the sweetness of the world and all the ornaments of the terrestrial abode, omnem ornatum saeculi, with the single incentive of working, working, working, and acquiring technological empire over matter…and even the churches in which they pray are not uncommonly masterworks in ugliness” – Jacques Maritiain, “The Craving for Magical Knowledge, The Dismissal of Beauty”
”This life is too much trouble, far too strange, to arrive at the end of it and then to be asked what you make of it and have to answer “Scientific humanism.” That won’t do. A poor show. Life is a mystery, love is a delight. Therefore I take it as axiomatic that one should settle for nothing less than the infinite mystery and the infinite delight, i.e., God. In fact I demand it. I refuse to settle for anything less. I don’t see why anyone should settle for less than Jacob, who actually grabbed aholt of God and would not let go until God identified himself and blessed him.” – Walker Percy
Wanting: A copy of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio. Daniel and I went to a performance at Ruby Diamond last weekend and loved it. I think I need it for the Christmastide so I don’t wear out Handel’s Messiah.
Benjamin Bear riding a pony for the very first time! It’s name was Dapples.
Did you see Ooma and Aunt Vanessa behind him?