As you may have gathered….we are STILL WAITING for Lucy to decide to come out. We had our biophysical profile this afternoon which was basically just an ultrasound to check on Lucy’s size, the amount of amniotic fluid in the womb, and the overall health of the placenta. Everything looked great. The Dr. just said that she appeared perfectly happy in there and doesn’t appear to be post-mature at all. So, thankfully, they didn’t insist on inducing me today and if I haven’t gone into natural labor before then, I will be induced on Monday morning.
But, we hope that she will arrive tonight or tomorrow! After acupuncture yesterday morning, I started having some good contractions which really picked up around 11pm and stayed 6-10 minutes apart and over a minute long for a few hours. But, by 4am, they started to space out again and I was able to fall asleep until 7am. Today they’ve been coming and going but I hope that they really pick up again this evening so we can meet our girl!
Thanks for your prayers and messages and texts! We will certainly post here and on Facebook when she (finally!) arrives.
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