You’ve probably gathered that I’m STILL pregnant. I was being very whiny and irritable about it all weekend until I realized how stupid it is to be upset that I’m still carrying a perfectly healthy full-term little girl in a safe and healthy pregnancy. So I’m trying to be nothing but grateful. But I’m still just shocked that I’m overdue. All the cramping and contractions started almost 4 weeks ago and I’ve been expecting to go into labor every day since then.
This morning I had an appointment with my midwife, Kim. She stripped my membranes and hopefully that will kick start labor in the next 24 hours or so. She sent me over to labor and delivery for a non-stress test just because of being almost a week overdue. Lucy seems to be absolutely perfectly happy and fine in there. On Thursday if I haven’t gone into labor yet I will get a biophysical which checks the amniotic fluid levels, etc. to make sure that my body is still giving Lucy everything she needs. If that raises red flags they will induce me right then, if everything looks good then they’ll give me until Monday hoping I go into labor naturally before getting induced. Kim said that if Lucy’s head is low enough on Monday, she will try breaking my bag of waters to start labor before giving me any Pitocin. Hopefully, we can avoid Pitocin altogether!
I have an acupuncture appointment tomorrow to try to induce labor. If stripping the membranes doesn’t do anything then maybe that will! If I haven’t gone into labor by Sunday I might try some castor oil as a last attempt before getting induced Monday morning.
I’m about 3.5 cm dilated and 60% effaced. So at least I’m making a little progress!
Thank you everybody for your prayers for me and Baby Lucy! Benjamin is all better and has settled back into a normal routine at our house. He was so perfect at Mass yesterday and was just angelic all day today. We’ve had some special time together 🙂
Please pray that I will go into labor naturally before Thursday and not even need to mess with the biophysical and for safety for me and for Lucy during delivery! But no matter what happens, God willing we will have a baby in our arms by Monday night at the latest.
Thinking about you and your family, Haley! I’ve got my fingers crossed for no Pitocin, that’s fo sho, and a happy healthy delivery. Can’t wait to one day meet little baby Lucy! Much love to you. –Sarah Fannin
I love that you are trying everything natural possible to induce that little bebeh. I’m sure everything will be fine and right on time. Can’t wait to see and meet Lucy! Keep us updated please!