Still pregnant….I’m feeling generally ok. Had an appointment with the midwife this morning: I’m 2.5 cm dilated and 60% effaced and baby is very low in position which is all good news. Lucy’s heartbeat sounds great and the midwife estimated that she’s about 6 or 6.5 lbs. I’ve been having cramping and contractions on and off for a couple of weeks now and I’m trying not to get too excited when they show up because they always fizzle out. My only real complaint is that the pressure on my pubic bone feels unbearable every time I try to change position. Getting out of bed is excruciating. The midwife says that’s just the pressure of the baby’s head and the ligaments and bones opening and stretching. Whew. Otherwise, everything is about the same!
The good news is that Benjamin should be coming home this afternoon. He hasn’t had a fever since Saturday and his rash has been clearing up and no new spots for a couple of days. I put in a call to his pediatricians office to see what they recommend but while we wait for them to get back to us, we’re just going to bring him home. Can’t wait to see him!
Keep praying for Benjamin and Lucy’s health and a safe delivery! We can’t wait to have both our little ones under the same roof. Also, I’m totally interested in any of your natural labor induction methods! Send them my way. I’ve been eating spicy foods for almost every meal for two weeks.
Nipple stimulation! lol Seriously though I hear if you have a pump to break it out and go to town and it really helps bring labor on. Other than that there’s always castor oil, which I’ve heard isn’t really recommended anymore. My mom did it with me and I turned out mostly okay 😉
Castor oil, just a bit in OJ, and some nipple stimulation, long walks afterwards…definitely.
PS So glad Benjamin is coming home to you! I know you must have been almost unable to bear being away from him for so long.
Have the midwife strip your membranes. It releases hormones that cause contractions and if your body is ready(which it seems to be) will encourage labor along. Worked for all three of my boys, and if it doesn’t work the first time can be done over again.
I’ve heard applying evening primrose oil directly to the cervix helps move things along. You can also take the capsules if you don’t want to touch your cervix (or can’t reach it as well).
Good advice, ladies! I’m not sure if I’m ready for castor oil. I’ve heard it can really do the trick but makes you feel like you’re dying. Might be up for it next week, though!
We’ve taken a few really long walks but hopefully this weekend when Daniel’s home we can take some more because he can push the stroller, it wears me out these days!
I’ll ask the midwife about stripping my membranes at my appt on Tuesday…if I make it til then…hopefully I won’t.
I’ve been taking Evening Primrose orally but I’ve heard it’s safe and more effective to apply it to the cervix. Maybe I’ll give it a shot.
And we’re SO GLAD Benjamin is home! We missed him so much!