Triumph 1: This is Little Bear’s 3rd day of wearing big boy undies and having NO ACCIDENTS. Not one. What a little guy. Does that mean he’s potty trained? When do we celebrate?
Triumph 2: I successfully taught a 45 minute ballet/movement class to SEVENTEEN 3 and 4-year olds. 17! Did you hear that? SEVENTEEN?! Since I taught a 3 and 4-year-old class last year of only four little babies that often felt like organized chaos (or just chaos?), I’ve come a long way. I even got comments from the mommies about how organized the class was and how well it went. And of the 5 littles that came in nervous and crying, I had no crying ballerinas by 10 minutes into class and all but two participated the whole time. Success! The class is so big that it might get broken into two classes so I can give each little dancer more attention. But we’ll see. Whew. Such cuties!
Pregnancy Update: Week 31!
Another good week! I had the shortest prenatal appointment ever on Wednesday. I arrived at 10:55 and was home by 11:15. Heartbeat and baby size are just right and my blood pressure remains fine. I honestly wasn’t crazy about the midwife I saw (I’ve had appointments with the other two midwives at the practice and like them immensely). My favorite midwife is on maternity leave but should be back by the end of September, October 1st at the latest. If I carry to term, then, she’s all set to deliver Lucy. If I go into labor early, then I’ll request the other midwife that I feel comfortable with. I do feel strongly about having a connection with the person delivering my baby and the midwife I saw this morning was a little too brusque and not personable AT ALL. I had meant to ask her to check the baby’s position because Benjamin was breech for awhile (luckily he turned before labor started) and I’m curious about whether Baby Lucy is head down yet. But I felt so rattled by her demeanor that I completely forgot. Well, I’ll go again in a week and a half and I’ll ask the midwife I like to check her out.
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