This is Baby Jonah and his Mama, Tryna. They accompanied Benjamin and I to the Museum of Florida History downtown. Between the fully reconstructed Mastadon bones, animatronic giant armadillo, and steamboat exhibit, Benjamin had plenty to delight and amaze him. Benjamin is still talking about the “Museum of Flo-rida HIStory!” We will need to go again.
Last night, my brother and our friends, Thomas and Kellie were coming over for dinner. I wanted to try to recreate the sauce from the Stuffed Tilapia at El Siete Mares in Waco but I’ve never created my own recipe before. So I was nervous and hesitant.
But I forged ahead and created my own recipe for Baked Tilapia with Spicy Cilantro Cream Sauce. It was seriously delicious. Not a bite remained.
As you can see, our plates are emptied of the scrumptiousness.
I posted the recipe on Feast! and started a series of “Fish Friday” recipes.
Now you’re just taunting me about not living in Florida anymore!
It’s all part of my wonderful (evil?) plan to get you to move back so we can be best friends.