Daniel was offered a new job today! Praise the Lord!
He’s been working miserable 12 hour shifts at a high stress job that is emotionally and physically taxing in the medical/mental health field. And not getting paid enough. Nearly enough. Really there’s nothing positive to say about his old (as of today! hooray!) job. However, I have been so proud and impressed by the patience and compassion he has shown to the clients at the mental health facility. He has truly been a vessel of Christ’s love to them and honestly didn’t complain. I wouldn’t have lasted one day and I would have whined about it. So hurrah for Daniel!
He’ll be doing computery stuff for a software development company and will be paid reasonably while working 8 hour shifts. And I think it’s highly unlikely that he’ll be bit or hit in his new workplace, as opposed to the old.
A second exciting event is occurring this evening as a friend is in labor with her baby boy. Please pray for a safe delivery of mother and child, free of complications. Saint Gerard, pray for us!
Let me follow that up with some less interesting news. Not even news. An observation: my hair is long. When did this happen?
Baby Jonah was safely born last night to a healthy mama! No c-section, no drugs. Way to go, Mama Tryna! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Marmee says
Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, it is now and ever shall be: world without end! Amen, Amen.