On Daniel’s birthday we spent the morning at the Jr. Museum. Daniel started trying out our new amazing fancy camera that his parents gave us for Christmas. We’re still figuring it out but here’s some highlights:
In other news, I finished the last 20 pages of my Wendell Berry book and finished the Susanna Clarke book. I just picked up a trilogy I read 12 years ago called Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset, fiction set in medieval Norway. I think I’m going to enjoy it even more than the last time I read it because of studying medieval lit/art and because Undset was a Catholic convert as well and Catholicism is beautifully woven through the books. I know The Brothers Karamazov is on the Books-to-read-before-I-die list, according to Dr. Wood, so I think that’ll be next. It’s just a little daunting.
I realized last night that it’s less than a month until Benjamin’s 2nd birthday. I asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted and he said, “Green!” Any tips for toddler birthdays? Nothing crazy. We do things simple round these parts.
I finished my first knitting project. It’s a thin green scarf made from Texas Hill Country wool. Now I just need to send it to its recipient.
I was actually thinking about how he’ll be two soon! Since he wants a green birthday how a farm themed party? Should be pretty simple to find/make decorations. Whatever you choose I’m sure he’ll love it!
everything i do involves books… buuuuuuut– what if you did a story time themed birthday? ask him to pick his favorite book to set the mood. read the book, do a craft that fits with it (even if its just coloring a picture), make an obstacle course (that will only require them pretty much running through it) and then make a cake that has to do with it. other than that, you have presents and socializing. but the craft gives them something to take home instead of sugary goodie bag (or in addition to) and the obstacle course is just fun for pictures. i wouldn’t say toddlers are old enough to do freeze dance, but that sure is fun. get all green balloons and make green birthday hats, to keep with that theme. 🙂 and voila– a themed birthday party designed by and tailored to your 2 year old and his various toddler friends!
ah! i thought of a good suggestion (or example if you already have an idea)! this book: http://www.amazon.com/Were-Going-Bear-Michael-Rosen/dp/0689853491/ref=tmm_pap_title_0 and then do a bear mask (kids color, parents put them together– or you can send home the mask and string for them to put together at home): http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.animaljr.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/bear-mask-coloring-page-231×300.gif&imgrefurl=http://mitchelljm.us/lz-childrens-printable-bear-masks.htm&h=300&w=231&sz=8&tbnid=kc0tIsVuSqoyKM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbear%2Bmask%2Bcraft&zoom=1&q=bear+mask+craft&hl=en&usg=__c0KdG24V6oaMEP8qCxb3sclJsUo=&sa=X&ei=LIYrTbTnMcH78AaKzNGcAQ&ved=0CDEQ9QEwBQ, make an obstacle course and tell them its the ‘bear hunt’ (hide a teddy bear or something at the end) using pillows to crawl over, a chair to walk around and a person to give a high-five to at the end, before hugging the bear. really simple! then you can keep the bear theme going: a bear cake, teddy grams (to go in goodie bags) and so on. i don’t know, this might be more planning than you are up for… but i used to plan children’s birthday parties in college. hahaha and this was pretty much all we attempted to do with a 2 year old party. at this age, they’re going to have to do stuff with a parent, as they’re not as big into socializing with each other.
Love the photos! Dad & I, of course, love Beat photos. Also, we think the close-up of you is lovely!
Ha! “Green” reminds me of the Wizard of Oz party we did for your birthday!
Hmmm….Green….John Deere….tractors….