We ate lamb for Easter. But not these lambs, Katherine, if that makes you feel any better.
These five little guys are still too little. Aren’t they sweet?
Our house in the country is now surrounded by fields of wildflowers. Texas has donned its spring finery. I’ll have to take pictures of some of the fields of orange Indian Paintbrushes and purple Bluebonnets. On Easter morning, Little Bear enjoyed filling up his Easter basket with a few of the flowers in our yard.
We enjoyed an Easter morning at home because we went to the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday where we were confirmed and received first communion. Marianna took our picture to commemorate this special event.
Here’s another one with Father David, who led our RCIA class, and our dear friend Brandon:
You can still see the oil from confirmation on our foreheads.
On Easter afternoon, Marianna, Brandon, Heather, Reid, TJ, and Ellie joined us for an Easter Feast of Rosemary Lamb, Berbere Lamb, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Easter Bread, The Landing Salad, and Bacon-wrapped Grilled Asparagus. Yum.
Happy Eastertide!
Glad to hear only anonymous lambs were harmed on this particular Texan Easter! Also, I love your confirmation cardigan 🙂
Thanks! I borrowed it from one of my housemates and then I liked it so much that she gave it to me.
Just look at that awesome beard.
Also, for clarification, Benjamin didn’t really fill the basket so much as emptied it. Mostly he just tried to eat dandelions.