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Well, this is it. Just 24 hours to go. The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle Flash Sale–a library of healthy living resources, ebooks, and ecourses–ends at midnight (December 29th)!
To everyone who has already ordered through our link, THANK YOU. Daniel and I appreciate your support so much and the sales really are a huge blessing to our family! And if you’ve ordered through us, don’t forget to fill out this google doc to get your thank you gift. (More on that below.)
You sort of need to see it to believe it, but the package includes 83 digital products and it’s worth over $2,400! And it only costs $29.97.
But nobody needs 83 ebooks and ecourses, right?! I certainly don’t. There’s always several books in the bundle that simply don’t apply to me or that I’m not super interested in. But there’s always several books and ecourses that I fall in love with and in the case of the 2016 bundle, some of my favorite ecourses cost far more than the price of the entire bundle if bought separately! So it really is a steal.
To wrap up the sale I thought I’d post a list of the resources I’m most excited about in this year’s bundle:
1. Amazing resources on women’s health and hormone issues.
Balancing those hormones is important to every woman, but especially those of us in the Natural Family Planning crowd. Having a wacky cycle makes NFP way less fun. And hormone problems can have all sorts of negative effects including fertility issues.
I’ve been going through the Fix Your Blood Sugar ecourse and I’m learning tons about balancing my hormones, curbing my sugar intake, and how it all is affecting my autoimmune issues! Seriously good stuff. And the crazy thing is that the ecourse usually costs $37–more than the price of the ENTIRE BUNDLE. So ordering a bundle is like getting $7 off this particular course plus 82 other great resources. And just this section of books and ecourses would cost almost 10x the price of the bundle. I told you it was a steal.
2. Everything you need to try that Whole30.
I’m super excited about Jessica Fisher’s A Month of Meals Protein Style cookbook that has Whole30 compliant meals AND shopping guides. If you’ve always wanted to try a Whole30 but are overwhelmed by all the prep and planning, this is your chance to have the whole month planned out for you! Since I’ve never finished an entire Whole30, you can bet I’m going to be reaching for this one for help.
3. The knowledge to begin using essential oils for your family’s health with two great ecourses.
I’m a huge fan of essential oils and after using them in our home for over a year have seen some amazing benefits. But it can be very overwhelming to get started! There’s some great info in the two courses the bundle includes. The courses would $136 if purchased separately, so getting them with the bundle is a great deal!
4. Help for your picky eater.
In addition to the oodles of great cookbooks and recipes to get you inspired and motivated to make healthy meals for your family (including paleo and gluten-free resources!), there’s even two books that focus on picky eaters in particular. If you’ve been the mom with the picky eater, there’s a great book by pediatrician Dr. Orlena Kerek titled Crunch. And when you have concerns that there’s more going on that just some typical toddler pickyness, Why Won’t My Child Eat?! is an extensive look at allergies, sensory processing disorder, and other issues that could be affecting your child’s eating habits.
5. Resources to finally get fit with ecourses and ebooks on nutrition and exercise you can start on your own time.
At least for me with homeschooling three little ones, the gym is just not happening, so exercise programs I can stream online are my only option! Really excited about the courses this bundle has to offer.
6. Goodies in your mailbox and online.
The bonus offers in this year’s bundle are INCREDIBLE.
- Green Kid Crafts – FREE craft box ($19.95 value)
- Perfect Supplements – $15 gift certificate toward any Perfect Brand product ($15 value)
- TriLight Health – $15 off select TriLight products ($15 value)
- MadeOn Skin Care – FREE BeeCool Muscle Balm Stick and Natural Lip Balm Combo (value $15.25)
- The Maca Team – FREE Organic Gelatinized Yellow Maca Powder, 8 oz. ($15.44 value)
- Get Kombucha – FREE 2-week supply (15 ml) of Kombucha Pro: Liquid Probiotics (value $29.99) OR FREE 1-ounce bag of Custom Organic Kombucha Tea Blend (value $16.99)
- Orglamix – FREE Mineral Eye Shadow Trio ($18 value)
- Experience Life – 4 FREE digital guides (value $27.95)
- Grove Co. – FREE Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener and stain remover, 60 Day VIP Trial, and FREE shipping with a $20 minimum purchase for new customers ($32.66 value) OR a FREE 1-year VIP Membership for existing customers ($39.95 value)
- Meal Garden – 6 months of Meal Garden FREE (value $35.70)
7. And an extra bonus from us!
For readers who order through our affiliate link (at no additional cost to you, a portion of your sale will benefit our family), Daniel and I want to offer a special gift. You can get access to one of our 4 ebooks for FREE!
Readers can choose from my liturgical living cookbooks Feast! and More Feasts!, Daniel’s gluten-free breakfast cookbook Beyond the Cereal Box, and my most recent ebook Making Big Life Changes Together: Pursuing Your Dreams as a Couple. Just go to this Google Doc after you purchase your bundle and tell me your book choice and email address so I know where to send your free book. Thanks!
8. Plus resources on….
Canning, Homesteading, Backyard Chickens, Gardening, Grain-free and Gluten-free cooking, Freezer Meals, Alternative Health, Beauty and Skin Care, Real Food/Nutrition, and more. There’s truly something in it for everyone and at this price, it’s a steal even if you only end up using 2 or 3 of the eBooks and eCourses.
How can this bundle cost just $29.97? I always have readers ask how it’s possible. But I promise it’s legit. We’ve partnered with Ultimate Bundles with three of our books and because it’s such a brief sale, the authors are willing to contribute their products to the bundle at 98% off.
It’s been awesome hearing from readers about how much you love the bundle, your favorite books and bonuses, and how you plan to use everything you learned.
One of my readers said this about a previous bundle: “My husband spent months sick last winter and no antibiotics would help him. I bought the last healthy living bundle and in it I found out about probiotics and neti pots and my husbands health turned around within two weeks. It was magical!”
Here’s how it works:
Visit their website, take a quick look at all the goodness that comes in this package, then click the green “Buy now!” button to go through their simple and secure 3-step checkout process.
You’ll receive an email with a login to their online access portal, where you’ll begin downloading your eBooks, signing up for your eCourses, and redeeming your free bonus offers.
Use their Getting Started Guide to pick the topic you want to tackle first and start making healthy changes!
It’s even backed by a full money-back happiness guarantee, so you can make sure it’s right for you.
Get what you need for your healthy lifestyle. Learn more or get your bundle HERE.
IMPORTANT: The sale is almost over! The bundle goes away at 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, December 29th.
OK, but what if I buy it and don’t like it? Although Ultimate Bundles has had an extremely low return rate, there are some people who it doesn’t work for. That’s why they offer a 100% happiness guarantee refund policy. If you don’t love it, just email customerservice@ultimate-bundles.com to ask for a full refund.
I hope that fully answers your questions!! If you have any others, feel free to email me at haley@carrotsformichaelmas.com and I’ll get back to ya. In my opinion, there really is no downside, and there is a ton of upside. But I’ll leave that up to you.
Just don’t wait too long, because the sale is almost over! Head on over to learn more or grab your bundle.
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