Welcome to Carrots! I'm so glad you're here. This is where I share thoughts on liturgical living, faith, parenting, culture, and an extra dose of Jane Austen. You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay in touch, or look me up on Instagram!
Just a few days til Christmas! How’s your Advent going? I am feeling so ready to bust out the Christmas carols and decorate the tree. Lately we haven’t been out and about very much. A few playdates with friends, trips to the grocery store and such, but not much else. Lots of snuggles and nursing in the morning next to the Christmas tree, though.
Sorry for the bad quality photo. But this is just life around here right now. Nursing a toddler holding several stuffed animals next to the Christmas tree. Reading Advent picture books. Baking muffins. It’s still loud and crazy and messy. But there is a quiet expectation happening and I can’t wait to start watching Christmas movies and celebrating!
The kids have been making some Christmas cards for friends. In this image, Benjamin is painstakingly drawing a picture of Mary crowned with stars. Lucy decorated a few cards with pictures of “meatballs.” So…..taking the creative license to a new level.
FYI: That’s not our backyard or anything. It’s the ropes course at the local outdoor museum. Super cool. When did he get to be…like a big kid?!
The Quotable Kids
When you’re three–realizing that you can’t dance quite as well as the Sugar Plum Fairy in Balanchine’s Nutcracker merits an emotional meltdown of epic proportions. Good thing you have a big brother to say, “I couldn’t do that when I was three, either, Lucy.”
Lucy is SO INTO everything Nutcracker. In fact, she so wanted to go see the Nutcracker AGAIN that my mom took her on a little date to see a different company perform it. She had a hard time sitting still because she wanted to twirl. Naturally.
“She’s got PINK pants with pockets! And a shirt with POLKA dots!” – The “Gwen Theme Song” by Lucy
This week I wrote a couple of pieces for Aleteia including:
What Advent, God’s Love, and Edward Norton Have in Common (my not so subtle ode to one of my favorite movies, The Painted Veil)
and Slowing Down with Simple Meals for Advent (with a couple of recipes to help you make it through to Christmas)
Did Pope Francis Say Animals Go to Heaven?: NCRegister (spoiler: no, he didn’t.)
U.S. Bishops Back Release of Senate Torture Report: NCRegister (Does the Church accept the practice of torture under any circumstances? Spoiler: No.)
The Ardent Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: fountains of home
Seven Quick Reasons I Don’t Have a Problem with Happy Holidays: Catholic All Year
My Favorite Jane Austen Film Adaptions: Modern Mrs. Darcy
And if you just want a good laugh and a bit of a Flannery O’Connor-esque take on the whole Santa thing, Daniel wrote about Sandy Claws, Jack Skellington, and the true (terrifying) king of Christmas
Oh, and do yourself a favor, gluten-free/dairy-free friends, and make these chocolate muffins/cupcakes. I’ve made two batches in the past 24 hours. I will not disclose how many muffins I’ve eaten.
Christy and I had so much fun chatting with Arleen Spenceley, author of Chastity Is for Lovers at Fountains of Carrots this week.
And after the new year we’ll have new episodes with Kelly Mantoan, Hallie Lord, and Leila Lawler, so get excited!
What topics do you think about as the new year approaches? I always start working on my reading list for the next year and think about setting some goals. Last year I also chose a “one word” for the year and it was “health.” Not surprising considering I spent last Halloween to February with tonsillitis. That was the worst. But I’m actually really pleased with some of my health goals and I’m looking forward to refocusing on a few of them. I signed up for Four Steps to Your Healthiest Year and I’m looking forward to building on some of what I accomplished in 2014. I’d love to hear about what y’all add to your yearly goals in the comments!
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Lots of love,
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I’m so impressed by Lucy. My 3.5 year old wants to see The Nutcracker so bad but she can barely sit still long enough to eat lunch. I told her I would take her when she turns five and she seems content with that:)
Well if it makes you feel any better, Laura. Benjamin would NEVER in a million years have been able to sit through it at that age. He saw it for the first time this year as an almost 6-year-old. I’m sure it will be totally worth the wait when she sees it in a couple of years
My now seven year old spent an entire YEAR obsessed with the Nutcracker. It started the Christmas she was three and lasted all the way to the next Christmas! My Nutcracker decorations never got put away and really became more like dolls! Pretty good thing to spend a year being into if you ask me!
I totally agree
First, in a totally not creepy way, that “low quality” picture of you is stunning. I am having a hard time with the waiting period this Advent, I am so ready to celebrate. I am working on “What I Read in 2014”, and will make a list of reading goals, again. Thinking about doing a Saint of the year?? I love the freshness of a new year and all the goal setting that comes with it. I love your reading linkups, though!
You are so sweet, Amanda! Thanks! Oooo, I almost forgot about saint of the year. I wonder if Jen’s going to have the saint generator up at Conversion Diary again!
I’m not even pregnant and I want all the meatballs. Well, actually I made meatballs tonight, but them we ate them all and need more meatballs. <3