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As I mentioned in my last vlog, I threw my back out on Saturday PICKING UP A LEGO. I know. I didn’t know that was possible either. Let me set the scene for you.
Daniel gave me these mind-boggling awesome cats in space leggings as an early birthday present. Baby Gwen kissed and hugged the “dog dogs!” over and over. Someday we’ll get the whole cat concept, baby girl. Anyhow, I was generally feeling pretty invincible in my cats in space leggings when I reached down to pick up a LEGO and BAM! Stuck. Can’t move. Back not working. I sorta shuffled over to my bed, screeched with pain while trying to get up there and laid in bed for the rest of the night and most of the following day.
It looked something like this. Now the cats look like they’re mocking me, don’t they? That’s when I started watching The Paradise which kind of redeemed the weekend for me.
But, that evening, Daniel had a youth group leaders meeting in our kitchen (he has a second job working at our parish) and I have to admit feeling RATHER SILLY resting on a bag of frozen peas watching BBC dramas wearing cats in space leggings while real live grown ups were in my kitchen making plans and doing grown up things. Oh well. Just another episode in my “will I ever feel like a real grown up?” saga.
Some ibuprofen, frozen peas, and lots of rest had me mostly better on Monday morning. And eventually I was able to remove the cats in space pajamas. But now I’m worried about wearing them again. Are they harbingers of doom?
The Quotable Lucy (almost 3yo):
“I will be your sweet little nurse and sing you a song to make you better! It’s called ‘When Mom hurts her back, love her and kiss her and make her all better.’ Actually I don’t remember that one. How bout Ave Maria?“
“Everybody here is eating. But nobody is eating ketchup. Because this is a Mexico restaurant.” (Thoughts on a recent dining experience.)
The Quotable Gwen (15mo):
Gwen really likes answering her own questions. Particularly if the question is whether she can have a lollipop.
“Lolly? Yeah! Lolly lolly? Yeah! Yeah!” Sorry baby.
And remember my goals for health I shared this week? Well today is the first day of the Whole30 and a few folks are joining me so that I have some company missing OREOs. Head on over to the FB group if you wanna join us! And that there is my first cup of black coffee that I have ever finished (I’ve tried to before, but no luck). Maybe three kids has toughened me up? Because I kind of loved it….and I feel a little smug about that.
And there’s a little more time left to check out my sister-in-law’s chloe + isabel online party, benefiting Catholic Near East Welfare Association. (And today is the last day to get in on the raffle to win earrings that looks like fox faces. Yes, I did pick them out.)
And don’t forget to sign up for the daily devotionals from Blessed Is She! They have some amazing contributors!
Tell them about the love that doesn’t show up in movies and love songs: Sarah Bessey
What to Read When You’re Stuck in an Austen Circle: Modern Mrs. Darcy
Searching for ‘Anne of Green Gables’ on Prince Edward Island: NYTimes
(NOT) Back to School 2014: What this homeschooling mama needs: K. Elizabeth Fleck
Judging a Book by It’s Cover: My Seven Favorite Children’s Book Illustrators: Molly Makes Do
And who knew that there are LEGO crime rings?! And some college students invented nail polish that changes color when exposed to date rape drugs. That’s pretty awesome.
Be sure to give some love to my other friends and sponsors! They keep the lights on around here
Happy Friday and lots of love!
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For serious.There is just no stinkin’ way those cat jammies are bringing you any doom because they are far too too AWESOME! For serious.
We spent yesterday afternoon at urgent care trying to convince the two year old to hold super still so the doctor could put some blunt scissor things up his nose to fetch a lego. Are Lego’s worth it? (I suspect yes. But it’s a close call.)
Oh nooooo! I think the hours of quiet they bring to my house when Benjamin is enthralled with them is worth it but…..there are some serious cons!
Well, if you’re going to blow your back out at least you looked good doing it in those stellar leggings!
Haha! You’re sweet, Jen.
Please don’t ever worry about being grown-up. I spent ten years trying to do that and making myself miserable. I am much happier now with my Hello Kitty trailer hitch cover and Unikitty manicure plans.
Must take a look at that BBC series.
Yes, you must! so good
Glad your back is better! I read about the nail polish this week and thought it was such an awesome idea! Then I read that people are criticising it because they claim it promotes “rape culture” and “victim blaming.” Wut? I guess wishing for a fantasy land where people never do anything wrong ever makes more sense than trying to protect yourself, or something.
Yeah. I mean, I get the idea that we shouldn’t HAVE to worry about protecting ourselves and that it shouldn’t be our responsibility. And that progress needs to be made changing the culture that allows rape and assault to happen so frequently. But, I think it’s brilliant and until women stop getting sexually assaulted, I hope it helps someone stay safe and protect herself.
Honey, you threw your back out! I don’t know if it gets more “grownup” than that!
My mom used to throw her back out all the time when I was growing up. Besides, what else were you supposed to do? Get better soon and enjoy the break!
P.s. cool dog-dogs! I thought my alpine style ones were cool.
Sorry about the back. It might help to look upon at as God’s gentle reminder that maybe you deserve some guilt-free time watching TV and letting other people do the tough stuff!
I like that, Ginny! It was blissful just watching episode after episode
Aargh — should be “look upon IT,” not “AT.”
I want nothing more in life than to be someone who enjoys black coffee! Actually normal coffee with creamer would be a great starting off point haha. I pretty much only get frapps/ice blendeds and fancy stuff that I can’t do at home because i have no talent in that department. Or I just like wasting money (that’s my husband’s theory).
Let’s tell them about the vast middle part of love, too, this part right now, the part that doesn’t show up in movies and love songs, the part where my hips have widened and your hair is greying, and some of our dreams are languishing at the same time that others are coming true. About how we’ve become better acquainted and more appreciative of the fruit of faithfulness and gentleness as the years go by.