OK, so I told you I’d do a vlog answering your questions. And then things got crazy and I never had a chance to sit down and record anything because, you know, children. And out of town. And life. BUT today the stars aligned and I did it! Then it turned out to be 20 minutes long. Ain’t nobody got time for that. So I cut it off partway through and I’ll post the other two parts later.
So, in Part 1: including a cameo from Baby Gwen, Wes Anderson movies, the tattoo, and the secret to disciplining children. (Haha, just kidding on that last one.)
Thanks for watching and forgive my lack of skills in the movie-making department. Someday I’ll go crazy with iMovie tutorials and learn how to put text on there. (I know, fancy, right?!)
Oh, how good it is to hear your voice and see you!
I really enjoyed this and such a lovely setting, too. Nice to chat with a friend 🙂
And, I’m SO with you on the no one size fits all when it comes to discipline and kids. SO with you. And as you said, it changes as our kids grow, too.
It’s your vlogs that inspired me to try to do some!
And I was just telling Daniel this week, “I should call Kara for a phone chat.” We should do that. When the stars align and no childrens need our immediate attention (haha, right?)
Gwen was diggin’ her cameo! <3
O. my. garsh. Gwen’s hair is sooo long! That is crazy! Loved the video looking forward to the rest!
I know, right?! It is crazy. It’s so hard to keep out of her food and she hates it when I try to put it up. But there is seriously enough to french braid! (as if she’d let me!)
I agree with you that different children need different things, but do you have a baseline discipline method? When did you start disciplining? Our daughter is the most mischievous ten-month-old I’ve ever met! Though, I’ve found that with consistent reprimands, I’ve been able to keep her away from trouble zones like the under the kitchen sink cabinets. Still working on the VCR/DVD player, though… *Sigh*
I don’t really know how we’d define our method. I mean…I think we make our expectations clear and we’re consistent. And then time outs and revoked privileges are used when necessary. I really don’t bother disciplining until close to age 2. Although with Gwen, age 14mo, I may need to start doing timeouts when she climbs onto the dining room table….first kid to try that little antic. And just for peace of mind and ease, we put locks on all the kitchen cabinets and all the cords are up off the floor. Not possible for every household depending on the setup, though!
Loved it! I always saw the tattoo but never really looked at it. It’s beautiful! And having three such different personalities in my kids (plus low functioning autism) I can totally relate on the parenting philosophy! This is definitely something every blogger should do. If I had the following, I might consider doing it myself! 🙂 Can’t wait for the next installment!
Thanks, Kristen!
I just want your blouse. It’s so cute!
Aw thanks, Jacqui! I got it from zulily right after Gwen was born and nothing fit right. I think the brand is Tulle?
Glad to hear that discipline is not as hard with a strong willed 5 year old as it is with a strong willed 3 year old….come on 5!!!! 🙂
Your video was fun! Looking forward to the next installments.
Seriously, 5 is great. And from what I hear, 7 is even better 😉
You have such a grace and confidence when you vlog! It’s really inspiring to hear you talk! I always seem to make a huge mess of myself and stumble over my words whenever I talk to anyone. Haha. Charm and grace never was my thing…
Your tattoo is also very inspirational and I think it is really neat when you can tell that someone’s tattoo means a lot to them. When did you get it?
I can relate to Lucy. As a child, I was always the super sensitive one and my parents (of 5 kids) had to be very careful and different with me than the others. I never really thought much about it until recently when I realized it’s not the norm for most kids and I took a little test with my husband (just for fun haha) to see if we were highly sensitive. Turns out, we both answered around 80% of the questions positively for being highly sensitive. Life makes much more sense to me now. 😉
Thanks for posting your vlog, I look forward to the rest! It just comes off like we are all sitting on your porch chatting! 🙂
You are so kind, Hannah! I got the tattoo in December. Oh and my friend Megan at SortaCrunchy has some really good posts about being highly sensitive and so does Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy. You should check ’em out!
This is so lovely, and I ADORE your tattoo. I wish I was decisive enough to make the final decision on one! Though I don’t think I’m brave enough to do such a striking one yet…
And YES! Kristin Lavransdatter is the most real, full, inspiring protagonist. Love her and Sigrid Undset.
She is the BEST! 🙂
Awesome vlog! Your hair looks amazing, btw 🙂
Loved learning about your tattoo, and totally agree with you about discipline!
Can’t wait for the next one.
Thanks, Becky!
I thought this video may be the most adorable thing ever and then Gwen showed up and proved me right. I cannot handle that cute little wave. 🙂
Looking forward to the next two parts!
Aw, thanks! And Gwen is just…too much. She slays me 🙂
You’re so freaking gorgeous!!! (Had to get that off my chest…) Totally agreeing with the other ladies pointing out your grace and charm — one of the first things I noticed myself! I”m always so blessed by your realness, but God’s amazing grace comes through loud and clear also. Beautiful mama, beautiful soul.
Oh my gosh, you’re so sweet, Janelle!
OMG! Baby Gwen has ALL THE HAIR ! It’s so long and glorious!
Hair for days!
My firstborn is a very strong-willed just-turned-two-year-old, so I’m glad to hear that disciplining might get a little easier as she gets older. 🙂 I think I was the extremely sensitive one like your Lucy, but our Mary seems strangely impervious to reprimands…
Yup. I know what that’s like!
Loved the video! I’m so glad you showed off your tattoo, I’ve been curious about it for ages. You’re just too lovely!
I spent the last little bit looking up Kristin Lavransdatter and Sigrid Undset. I’m ashamed to admit I hadn’t heard of the books or the author before this. I have moved the trilogy to the to of my to-read list.
Thanks, Maggie! I think you’ll really like KL. It’s very epic and since you’re a LOTR fan, I think it’ll be up your alley.
I love your vlogs! Gwen saying “hi” has been the highlight of my morning! Loved hearing about your tattoo and I’m looking forward to the rest of your answers!
Aw, thanks so much!
I know everyone has said it, but I cannot believe the hair! Annie has like, zero hair compared to her and she’s younger 😉 I can’t wait until it is long enough to do things to (if she lets me!)
Haha. It is remarkable! Also, it’s always covered in food because….14 month olds aren’t supposed to have crazy long locks. Yikes!
I completely thought that Gilbert Blythe would have been your favorite literary hero. Regardless, it surprises me that you don’t have a favorite.