Happy warmer weather! We’re in those glorious windows-open-but-the-mosquitos-aren’t-out-yet days (there are about 12 of those days in Florida, so you have to really savor them before the bugs become horrible.)
We’ve been crawling our way out of survival mode from a crazy January and getting out and enjoying life again. (Enjoying life being taking long drives to an old timey country store on Saturday mornings for a SUPER healthy breakfast of local sausage and chocolate milk, modeled by Lucy.)
The Quotable Benjamin (age 5):
Benjamin to my Anglican parents: “Is that your church?” (pointing out a Methodist church)
My Dad: “No. We go to an Anglican church.”
Benjamin: “Can Catholics come?“
My Dad: “Well, sure. Anybody is welcome. But Catholics only take communion at Catholic churches because they believe different things about the Eucharist than we do.“
Benjamin: “We believe it’s the Body and Blood of JESUS! What do you believe?“
My Dad: “We believe it’s the real presence of Jesus, but not the actual Body and Blood.”
Benjamin: “WELL!” *snort* “You just need to stop believing THAT right now!“
Benjamin’s evangelism could perhaps benefit from some tact…….Can you teach ecumenical tact to a five-year-old?
Well, first of all, Daniel started a blog. So now I can’t twist his arm into writing posts for Carrots because he’s got his own dang blog. He’s the worst! Or the best. Probably the best. Check out his post about Black Metal, the Chair of St. Peter, and the Upside Down Kingdom.
The Catholic Subculture Is Cooler Than You Think: fountains of home
5 Favorite Homebirth Resources: Efficient Momma
3 D’s and the Big Three: A Survival Guide to Survival Mode: SortaCrunchy
Outside the Box: 66 Things to Give Up or Take Up for Lent (In Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced): Catholic All Year
Ukraine’s Priests Take an Active Role in Protest: Washington Post
And if you’re willing to put up with delayed video due to my slow internet connection, you can see the fun conversation I got to have with Nicole of Gidget Goes Home, Anne of The Modern Mrs. Darcy, and Melissa of Melissa Camara Wilkins for the Motherhood and Jane Austen Book Club. I’m not going to watch it because then I’d torture myself wondering, “WHY DOES MY VOICE SOUND LIKE THAT?” Isn’t it weird how different your voice sounds in your head vs. an audio recording?
And I’m thinking about linking up with this lovely gal for the 7 Posts in 7 Days challenge….Is that crazy? Can I do it? WE’RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT!
Wishing all of you a weekend filled with good coffee and sunny weather!
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And a big thanks to Efficient Momma for sponsoring Carrots this month! Be sure to show Efficient Momma some love. Our sponsors help keep the site running for you! You can find out all about advertising with me on my advertising page.
Thanks for featuring one of my posts 🙂
lol! I love how honest and blunt kids are, it cracks me up 🙂
Great post, Rachel! If we get pregnant again and everything is low risk, we’re going to shoot for a homebirth.
I think Benjamin’s evangelism is brilliant. 😉
Up in MN we got out of the Polar Vortex for a few days, oh glorious 30-40 degree temperatures! But, that also meant it was warm enough to snow- wet, heavy snow. We just got about a foot of it. But, it is sunny for now. Back to Polar Vortex next week. This winter has been insane.
In other news, I just love Benjamin- adorable, and probably a genius.
I truly can’t imagine real winter. How do you survive?! I hope it’s all over soon!
You an me both, sister! We have actually been spoiled with several years of mild winters and this one (and last one was pretty cold, too) have kinda slapped me in the face. We have had 45 days this winter with below zero temperatures. It is really mucking up the roads (potholes that will swallow your car). But, this terribel winter has made me really appreciate spring and summer in ways I hadn’t before. I may have to blog about this….
My husband just discovered Daniel’s blog – he’s insisting we follow..fellow Catholics with tattoos are always a delight!
Daniel’s blog is gonna be awesome! I’m so excited about it 🙂 Thanks for following!
Right there with you on hating the sound of my own voice. Isn’t it weird? — I don’t know a single person who likes how they sound in a recording. Funny thing is, a lot of these are people whose voices I really like to hear. I guess we’re always hardest on ourselves.
So weird! I think it’s just different and hard to get used to? And yes, we’re always our toughest critics!
Your son is really funny. Kids have NO filter!
Haha! No filter at all 🙂
Ha! I haven’t watched myself on the video either, because if I do I will have to notice all the weird things I must have done. And said. And etc. I am pretty sure this is not the way to improve at video-talking, but, um, I am probably too squirmy to improve ANYWAY, so I think I’ll just let it be for now.
Great links! I love Efficient Momma’s home birth resources post & the Sorta Crunchy survival guide post in particular. 🙂
It is so weird watching myself on camera. I notice all sorts of weird things that I didn’t even realize I was doing!
I think both of your boys are pretty smart. And forthright. 🙂
They are indeed! 😉
We have a glorious day today as well. Fifty degrees! We went to the zoo and soaked up the sunshine.
And I love how kids tell it like it is! Although not when they’re directly quoting me…
I hate hearing myself too, but I think watching videos of myself is worse (helloooo wedding video!) because I realize that the ridiculous mannerisms my sisters have that annoy me? Yeah, I have those same ones, too.
The picture of your kids outside in shorts made me flinch and want to bundle them up. Are there any Bible Camps looking for maintenance guys in Florida so I don’t have the “WARM CLOTHES” instinct?
I’m doin’ the challenge, too! And now I want a coffee…
I just have to say you are quite mistaken about the mosquitos. There are ZERO days here without mosquitos. I have bites from today to prove it!! 😉
But seriously. I do.
<3 jeni
{Kathy} Wow…that is one smart, assertive kid! How lovely that you have imparted your faith to your child in a way that he is so confident and curious. I completely understand what you mean about the 12 days we have in Florida when it’s not cold, humid or mosquito filled. I actually lived in Tallahassee for 4 years. My son is attending FSU now. We live in Port Charlotte, but Tallahassee will ALWAYS be my favorite spot!