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I really enjoyed creating last year’s Advent music playlist: Sleepers, Wake! to learn more about songs appropriate for the Advent season and to help me hold off on the Christmas music until Christmastide.
So I really wanted to make a new one this year! It’s a little bit shorter than the first one, but I hope you’ll enjoy it. It’s got a little something for everyone, from very traditional Advent hymns to Belle and Sebastian singing “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” So, either it will appeal to different kinds of people or it will be too eclectic for anyone to enjoy! But before we get there, I want to share about my three favorite Advent music albums:
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Advent at Ephesus: by the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. This album plays in our car all Advent long. It’s so beautiful. Very traditional, haunting Advent melodies. And the kids really like it. The nuns version of “O Come, Divine Messiah” inspired us to learn the new-to-us hymn and sing it each night as we lighted our Advent candles.
Handel’s Messiah. This has to be one of the most incredible scores of music ever composed. And the libretto is just splendid how it weaves Scripture together to tell the story. It’s not all Adventy, there’s some Christmasy parts and even Lenten and Easter sections but I love how it depicts the big picture of God’s redemption which is an important idea to reflect on during Advent.
And our new fave….In the Bleak Midwinter: by Marian Grace. Y’all. I can’t stop listening to it. And it’s not even Advent yet! Technically, it’s not just Advent music, but the titles go in order: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, with gorgeous chants between each section. The voice of the vocalist, Colleen Nixon, is just stunning. And Marian Grace structured it so that if you’re serious about not listening to Christmas music until Christmas, you can press pause after the Advent songs. But I warn you…you won’t want to stop there. I start the new Advent playlist with the opening track and I broke my playlist rule of only having each artist once, because I had to include Marian Grace’s “Creator of the Stars of Night.” The link above to Amazon only offers an MP3 download, but you can order the actual CD from Ignatius Press.
For reflections on Advent and practical ways to observe the season through food and traditions, check out our brand new ebook: Feast! Real Food, Reflections, and Simple Living for the Christian Year.
Oh, it’s lovely, isn’t it?? Their version of O Come, Emmanuel is sure to be one of my new favorites. I also adore Amy Grant’s Breath of Heaven. I’d love to win this to gift to someone!
As a Baptist, I’ve always had Advent music seamlessly woven into Christmas music. Never before have I separated the two. Last year’s blog about this opened my eyes. Of course, O Come, O Come Emmanuel is my favorite and has been for many years.
Mine, too, Kathy. Can’t beat it.
I don’t know the difference between Advent music and Christmas music. You will have to educate me, Haley!
It’s not tricky, Summer! Basically, Advent music is songs saying, “He’s a’comin’!” and Christmas songs say, “Hooray! He’s Here!” ; )
Love this response
I’ve got to say I LOVE O Come O Come Emanuel. I look forward to it every year
Thanks for the list of new ones though!
Thank you for the playlist! This is my first year of trying to hold off on Christmas music until after advent and this list will help!
Thank you for the suggestions!
I didn’t realize they had a new album out! I know Jimmy Mitchell is working on an instrumental too—can’t wait!
I am loving the Advent at Ephesus album!
Love Marian Grace and would love the new album!
Thank you for this blog!
Unfortunately, I haven’t distinguished between Advent and Christmas music before, so thank you for the Advent song ideas!
My pleasure, Rae ; )
I don’t know how to enter… Hope I just did
This CD looks lovely!
Lilla, just click on the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of the post. If you’re looking at the post in a feed reader, you’ll need to click over to the actual site. Hope that helps! ; )
Oh I love love love “In the bleak midwinter”. Can I cheat and say that’s my favorite too? Because it is. I have a Sarah McLachlan holiday CD (judge away…) and that is where I heard it first. Her version is beautiful, as is this version!
I also love River by Joni Mitchell… (also on the McLachlan CD, but Joni’s version is best).
(Oh and I realize that River is really not a “good” advent song… but it starts off saying that its almost Christmas, so it counts.
So beautiful, what a great way to inspire the season!
I kept trying to make a youtube playlist of good advent music last year! I may need to invest in some of this music. There is one random musical theatre song that I love for advent – Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord from Godspell.
Oh that’s a good suggestion! I haven’t seen Godspell in years!
Advent at Ephesus is a favorite of ours as well!! And o come o come Emmanuel isn’t a classic for nothing. We sing it as a family as a dinner blessing each evening during advent, it gets a little rowdy during the rejoice rejoice parts, but it’s definitely a favorite family tradition.
Love that!
This sounds lovely. I’d love to add it to my Advent preparations.
My favorite Advent song has always been O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, of course sung with all of the verses.
Hmmm…I don’t know what I listen to during Advent. It seems like we sing a very select few at Church as well. I really like O Come, O Come Emmanuel.
Thanks for the playlist! The whole family loves it.
Great! So glad
I was about to search for your playlist from last year, and I’m so excited to see you have a new one for this year, too. Thank you!! And thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
Haley, all these ideas are so helpful for somebody just trying to get into the liturgical year! I didn’t even know where to start for music. Thanks!
I’m so glad, Meg!
We like to listen to Gregorian chant cd’s that are for advent. Very peaceful!
I’ve heard some of those on Spotify! Gorgeous.
I also love the Sufjan album. Feist’s “Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming” is also beautiful.
Ok, hunting the Feist version down right now. I heart Feist.
O Come Emmanuel is still my number one favorite:) Our family loves Marian Grace; thanks for the opportunity!
I’m excited to start listening to this! Although Catholic my whole life, this year I’m really trying to add more meaning into the feast days and traditions for our children. We’re learning so much!
Good for you, Denise! I follow you on IG, right? Your picture is so familiar!
The Advent at Ephesus CD is a favorite of mine. So , so beautiful. It’s extra-adorable when the three-year-old asks for “the pretty Sisters’ music,” too.
aw, love that!
Just last night the young adult group from our parish was wishing we could just plug in “Advent music” into pandora and avoid all Christmas tunes. Unfortunately pandora doesn’t understand the difference…
Lovely suggestions!
P.S. Am enjoying the new book!
That is so great to hear, Robyn! I’m so glad
My favorite Advent song is “O Come O Come Emmanuel,” but I’ve had the hardest time over the past few years finding more Advent music to listen to. These playlists are exactly what I’ve been looking for!
I love “In the Bleak Midwinter”!
One of all my all-time favourite Advent/Christmas CDs is The Promise by Michael Card. It was a part of my childhood, so turning it on instantly brings back Advent memories of singing with my siblings at the top of my lungs as we would do dishes together. It does have a blend of Advent AND Christmas music, but I’m not a purist about that….yet.
I play the organ at Mass so my favorite Advent music is Church music!
Thank you for sharing! I wasn’t aware of the differences between Advent and Christmas music before…
I love Marian Grace! My mother sent me their first two albums a few Easters ago, and I love the traditional hymns and chants… I even use them with my CCD classes! Also looking forward to Advent hymns to return – there are so many good ones!
Love Advent at Ephesus. Love it!
Advent is my favorite time of year. I always try to get my shopping done and Christmas cards out before December so that I can fully engulf myself in the season. I never really knew the difference between Christmas music and Advent music.
We have an advent playlist we started last year but we are always on the lookout for new songs. Thanks so much for the recommendations!
I’ve been wanting to make playlists of Advent music for Advent, and Christmas music for Christmas, and “allow” other winter songs to be played more throughout the winter. I figure it’s a compromise I can make with my husband who would play “Christmas music” all year round! However, I haven’t gotten to that yet. I’m very excited about having found this playlist and your list from last year! Thank you! I’d really love this album to help us celebrate Advent!
I feel like I just realized this year how many “wintry” songs there are that I could still listen to during Advent. I might make a winter playlist for myself and the kids while we wait to play those Christmas carols
I have actually never really given the idea of Advent music a lot of thought. I’ve always just dove into the Christmas music (and am usually sick of it by the time Christmas actually comes). I’m going to avoid it this year as much as I can and then really celebrate Christmas! Thanks for the food for thought and this beautiful album!
It is kind of fun to still be really digging the Christmas music on January 5th while everyone else has already taken their tree down ; )
O come, O come Emmanuel.
I love the idea of “Advent” vs. “Christmas” music! It hadn’t really occurred to me before that there was a difference (thanks, secular world!). I am going to try to really make an example of the Advent part of the Christmas season for my three kiddos this year and including lovely Advent songs will definitely be part of it!
I am a Baptist, so there has never really been a separation between Advent and Christmas to me…or should I say a separation between “O Come Come Emmanuel” and Christmas music! But I love the somber tone of Advent music, and I love traditional Christmas music.
I also have and love Advent at Ephesus…this one sounds beautiful, too!
My favoritest Advent song is Lo, How a Rose E’re Blooming, which I didn’t know was an Advent song until you mentioned it on the play list last year. Loving the suggestions as mostly I don’t have Advent-y music.
My favorite is advent at ephesus
Haley, you have really helped me become practical with implementing the Liturgical year with my family. Thank you SO much for these play lists! We purchases Advent at Ephesus last year….and loved every minute of it. I also LOVE Enya’s version of O Come O Come Emmanuel. <3
I like George Winston’s December album. It starts with Thanksgiving.
I would never have thought to find songs/music that are appropriate for Advent. Other than what we sing at mass obviously. I didn’t think about at home in my everyday life. What a great idea. And the CD would be a great way to kick start a new family tradition ;).
Oooh, so excited to see a new playlist for this year- I’m always looking to add to ours. My very favorite is Creator of the Stars of Night. I really like the version by High Street Hymns. And the Advent at Ephesus CD is a staple at our house, too. (I’m checking out the CD you’re giving away right now…hey, maybe I’ll win?)
I’m not sure I have favorite Advent music! Looking forward to trying out your playlist.
I love all the traditional hymns, but my favorite non-traditional Advent music is Sufjan Stevens version of songs.
What a great collection!
In the Bleak Midwinter…
Trying hard to observe Advent a little better this year and not have my almost 7 year old get too wrapped up in Santa and stuff. It is tough.
Thank you for sharing!!!
I’ve been looking for some good advent music! Thanks for the giveaway
Sufjan Stevens four volumed Christmas CD’s have go to be my absolute favorite with a mix of Christmas, Advent, Epiphany, and other hymns.
Perfect! I’ve been looking for some good Advent music!
O come divine messiah is one of my fave advent songs. We had to learn it in french for choir at one point in high school. Ptetty hilarious
I guess I’ve never thought about there being a difference between the two! After reading this post it got me thinking that I may need to look into implementing more Advent songs into our rotation of seasonal songs. This cd would help with that! Thanks for doing a giveaway.
My favorite Advent song is O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. And I adore Marian Grace! Adore! Colleen has the most angelic, beautiful voice! I was so excited to hear that Marian Grace recorded this new album!
Another O Come, O Come Emmanuel fan here.
Advent and Advent music get my undying love forever. And ever. Amen.
Oh! And thank you for including Bogoroditse! The choir I sang with in high school sang this and I would get shivers every. time.
Thank you for making this Advent playlist, Haley! I have heard wonderful things about Marian Grace, and would love to listen to this entire album. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” is my #1 favorite Advent song but I also love “Creator of the Stars of Night”, especially when sung in Latin – we’re learning it in choir right now and it’s gorgeous!
Totally didn’t know that you are friends with Colleen! Love her music and love your blog and not gonna lie, I wish I could be friends with the two of you!
Happy Advent & God bless+
So glad you posted about Advent music. I play it until the second stage of Advent, about a week before Christmas. My favourites include Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel, Lo How A Rose Ere Blooming and Gabriel’s Message.
One of my favorite CDs of Advent music is one I got years ago, and is of Gregorian chant. There’s a separate Christmas one, too. I listen to them every year. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love these Advent song ideas! My favorite song for Advent is Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord.
What’s your opinion on the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town–Advent or Christmas?
I’m half kidding about that question, since it’s obviously not a religious song
O come, O come, Emmanuel! But its kinda sad that I never thought about Advent music and Christmas music separately. =/ I have been missing out, and not realizing what I am singing every Advent in Church. So glad I found your blog!
Oh love this!
I’ve been looking forward to Marian Grace’s new album so much!
Advent at Ephesus got a lot of playtime last year in our house, mostly thanks to you. =)
Can’t wait to listen to this playlist! Thanks!
I love your advent music playlists: I listening to it all last advent and can’t wait to do it again this year!
I like the idea of holding off on the Christmas music! Would love to win some Advent music!
My friends and I have two arranged versions of O Come O Come Emmanuel that, one that is simultaneous Latin, English, German, and Spanish and another that is staggered in English
I love some Gregorian Chant or The Priest’s music for Advent/Christmas! I just downloaded your ebook and am really excited to read just in time for Sunday
I just love Marian Grace! So excited about this album. Thanks for the giveaway.
“O Come Divine Messiah” is my favorite Advent hymn. We sing it each day until Dec. 17, when we switch to “O Come O Come Emmanuel” for the days of the Great O Antiphons.
I don’t really have a lot of experience with advent music. I’m excited to check out your links.
Haley~ Thanks so much for the inspiration. I am really excited to get started on this faith journey. I am hoping to start some new traditions with my little one, Kate. Many blessings to you and yours!
We are just starting to live liturgically, so I’m not very familiar with Advent music.
I LOVE “People Look East.” One of my favorites!!
I love this post. I play piano for our church services and love discovering new advent music to play. It can be so beautiful and haunting. (In a good way). But I think my favorite to play may be Wake, oh wake because of the call to action that it delivers. Christmas is a gift to us, but we do not need to sit idly and wait for it to come, we can prepare our hearts in a very real way!
Ah, I love good advent music. Sometimes it’s hard to find though. Thanks for sharing your list. I love the Advent at Ephesus.
Advent hymns are some of my favorites! I don’t have any stellar arrangements on my iPod, though.
Looks wonderful! We listen to Messiah in Advent, but it would be nice to expand our repertoire, too.
Ack! Thanks for reminding me! I’ve been meaning to get this CD for Advent. It won’t be here in time, but I’ll be waiting expectantly, and isn’t that what it’s about?
I have no idea what my favorite Advent song is…but I LOVE Marian Grace! I planned on looking for good Advent songs to make my own playlist so I want to thank you for doing the work for me! I’m excited to add those titles to my list.
The only “Advent” music I could say I am familiar with would be what I experience in during the mass! Everything else I would say is “Christmas” music; then it is holiday Christmas music, or Christian Christmas music. I am thankful to be made aware of a fuller distinction now.
Hoping I still make the cut-off for entry!
I made my own playlist, too! Got to have plenty of Advent songs to listen to.
Don’t have any clue how to make this clicky…
well apparently it becomes clicky all on its own
I’ve been listening to your Advent playlist over and over again–SO good. Thanks for sharing
Haley thank you so much for this playlist. What a gift! Exactly what I was looking/thirsting for! I’d been searching around the usual sugary pop christmas music and feeling discouraged. Thank you especially for introducing me to Marian Grace.
Hello Haley! I’m an Orthodox mama living in remote Romania. We thrive on Advent, and I have spent the past 5 years building an Advent Soundtrack for our family. I wouldn’t call it haunting or liturgical, but maybe you’d find something new on it to like. What I look for in an Advent song is something other (none of the usual stuff found in Christmas playlists), words that lead to longing and challenge one’s spirit, and music that stirs, unsettles, or comforts. Hope you find something here. Blessings on your upcoming Advent.
For Adults (and kids):
1. Winter Song, Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson
2. Mary’s Gift, Roasted Chestnut Orchestra
3. The Little Baby Jesus, American Mars
4. Let It Be Born In Me, Wilder Atkins
5. Some Clear Joy Is Coming, The Innocent Mission
6. The Earth Stood Still, The Future of Forestry
7. Salvation is Created (feat. Aimee Wilson) – Bifrost Arts
8. May you find a Light – the Brilliance
9. Falling Like Snow – Canaries in the Coal Mine
10. Maybe this Christmas – Leigh Nash
11. Someday at Christmas, Jack Johnson
12. Cry of a Tiny Babe – Bruce Cockburn
13. Still, still, still – Future of Forestry
14. Amen, amen – Sojourn
15. More, The Come Ons
16. Winter Skin, Jars of Clay
17. Peace, Peace, Sara Groves
18. Of the Magi, Winterbloom – from O.Henry’s Gift of the Magi
19. Come Darkness, Come Light, Mary Chapin Carpenter
20. White Winter Hymnal, Fleet Foxes
21. Prayer of St. Francis, Sarah McLlachlan
22. Valley Winter Song, Fountains of Wayne
23. The Music Is You, John Denver
24. Hands, Jewel
25. Christmas Song (Live), Dave Matthews
26. All the King’s Horns, Sufjan Stevens
27. All That I Want, The Weepies
28. Hallelujah, Brandi Carlile
29. Christmas Lights, Coldplay
30. I Believe in Father Christmas, U2 (the only song that cannot be purchased on iTunes, but rather on Amazon.Com when you purchase the benefit CD, “All You need is love, playing for change)
(All fit on one 700MB CD)
31. What Child is This? , Sarah McLlachlan
32. Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel, Joshua James & the Civil Wars
33. Follow The Shepherd Home, Mindy Smith
34. Oiche Chiuin, Enya
35. Come, O Come Emmanuel, Enya
36. Lullay Lully, Kerry Getz
37. Journey of the Angels, Enya
38. In The Morning, Jack Johnson
39. Flame in the Darkness, Joe Jencks
40. Enough is a Feast, Bill Harley
41. Away in a Manger, John Denver
42. Tikkun Olam, Joe Jencks – Jewish concept of “repair the world”
43. “Lo how a rose e’re blooming” – Feist (Sweet Tracks, 2005…Amazon.com)
44. Good King Wenceles – Crash Test Dummies
45. Christmas Like a Lullaby – John Denver
46. Rise up Shepherd and Follow – Elizabeth Mitchell or Dan Zanes
47. Winter, You Tease – Layla
48. Light Of the World – Lauren Daigle
For Kids (and adults):
1. The Season of Light – Uncle Rock
2. Peace will Come – Dog on Fleas
3. Prepare the Way – Jim Cosgrove
4. Tikkun Olam – Joanie Leeds
5. Tikkun Olam – Miss Scherling
6. People Around Me – Big Jeff
7. A New Hallelujah – The Daraja Children’s Choir
8. In the Bleak Midwinter – The Nields
9. Sunny Christmas – Renee & Jeremy
10. Sankta Lucia (Saint Lucia)
11. Little Drummer Boy – Renee & Jeremy
12. There’s too much good – The Hipwaders
13. White is the Winter Night – Enya
14. Over the River and Through the Woods – Dog on Fleas
15. This Little Light of Mine – Bruce Springsteen (live)
16. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands – Ella Jenkins
17. The Friendly Beasts- Sufjan Stevens
18. Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer – Jack Johnson
19. The Song that Saved the World – ScribbleMonster
20. Holiday Time in Brooklyn – Dan Zanes
21. Children Go Where I Send Thee – Natalie Merchant
22. The Animals First Christmas – Kate Porter
23. Christmas is Coming – John Denver and the Muppets
24. The Peace Carol – John Denver and the Muppets
25. 12 Days of Christmas – John Denver and the Muppets
26. I Saw Three Ships- Sting
27. Some Children See Him – Sixpence None the Richer
28. Put a Little Love in Your Heart – Al Green or Renee & Jeremy
Thank you for this playlist. I am definitely going to enjoy listening to it during advent this year!
I love your playlists — I always find a new song to add to my own list!
Another great Advent hymn I think you would love — Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent (I’m a bit obsessed with it!) <3